14 April, 2012

Angers englicized culture awarded in a national hip-hop competition

After an  Angers artist competed in a national tv show a few weeks ago, another one had just be recognized by a national title. Mounir Biba, a young inhabitant, has just one the French championship of hip-hop, the Red Bull One, organized in Lille, with fifteen other competitors. He had just been outstriped by Titi Robin, a Angers singer whose repertoire mixes musics of different parts of the world. After these two national awards in the artistic field, Angers could be stimulated to strenghen its cooperation with Austin, one of the world capital of music.
Credit picture Angers city

But it could be inspired to enhance the position of English in its positionning because hip-hop is clearly inspired by Anglo-Saxon civilization. Hip hop music is a musical genre consisting of a stylized rhythmic music. It appeared in US in the 70's. So the image of Angers, already (profitably) englicized with the brand Angers Loire Valley, can be developped in English for Exglish speaking people.

That US influence is clearly visible in the trajectory of Mounir Biba because he is member of the Vagabond Crew, a danse company whic won a lot of titles around the world. Mr Biba will be soon received at Angers town hall, a city which he is "proud to wear the colors". He will do so soon in the European hip hop championship.

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