20 November, 2011

In Angers on Sunday : test for the rest

News Analysis. - Today will be a test between supporters of the opening on Sundays of food superstores and defenders of the Sunday rest. Triggered by the decision of the Leclerc superstore of Saint-Jean-de-Linières to be open to customers on Sunday mornings, the debate has been magnified by the Angers Loire Métropole representatives as well as local trade-unions leaders pointing out that Sunday had to be dedicated for family and rest. The other superstores are more pragmatic: their decision to open on Sunday mornings will depend on the evolution of their turnover.

In the meantime, the point of view of an important voice - the local newspapers - has evolved. After coverages dedicated to the protest of the adversaries of the Sunday openings, the Angers medias have slightly modified their vision. Simply because the Sunday openings are for years a reality on the territory : Carrefour Market ("in French"), the second world chain of superstores has all its proximity stores Carrefour City (still "in French"), in Hérault square, Saint-Michel boulevard and others accessible to public even on Sundays, and without any contestation. And local press has at last noticed the fact.

According to professionals, these openings of proximity stores are even beneficial to retail stores like bakery. Moreover, a practice strikes down one of the main arguments of the defenders (the respect of the Sunday as a period of rest for employees) because those who work on that day are... students happy to find there a supplementary income. Finally, if there is a deadlock in Leclerc today, it should not start again next Sunday and so on?

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