28 January, 2014

The tramway B line divides candidates before it unifies the town

Si elle doit un jour unifier la ville, la ligne B du tramway divise actuellement les candidats. Laurent Gérault a , pour le centre, proposé un tracé plus court "en ligne" avec ses propositions de gel des taux des impôts locaux. Mais cela fait planer une incertitude sur la desserte du quartier Grand-Pigeon. Les majorité et opposition actuelles s'affrontent mutuellement. Au terme d'un débat plutôt violent, on pourrait remettre la balle au... centriste. 

Maybe the two lines of the Angers tramway will unify the city, but currently, they divide the candidates to mayor office. Frédéric Béatse had its own. Then a few weeks ago, Christophe Béchu devised another route. Now, Laurent Gérault introduces a new way. According to the centrist candidate's plan, the B line would be shorter : 8 kms against 12 planned in others projects. It would link the Belle-Beille quarter, where most universities are located to angers down town by the hospital, a common route over the Maine river with the first line then would stop at the Congress centre before going towards Monplaisir. 

Implicitely, Laurent Gérault wants a less costly trolley because he promised he would not raise the taxes. While the original scheme introduced at Angers loire Métropole aded up to € 358 millions, the overall cost of Mr. Gérault's project would not go beyond € 190 millions but would nervertheless join several important Angers districts, Belle-Beille, Doutre, Saint-Jacques-Nazareth, Deux-Croix-Banchais-Monplaisir.  The servicing of the Grand-Pigeon quarter is not yet sure. An alternative route would go by Pasteur avenue.

In the meantime, the Aimer Angers (Frédéric Béatse) and Angers pour vous (Christophe Béchu) lists confront. For Mr. Béatse, one of his deputy-mayors, Luc Belot, said that a tramway route through La Doutre should be "an abomination" and that it would damage the stores businesses of that quarter. That critic of a "political coup" by Mr. Belot led Bernard Dupré, one of the main running mates of Mr. Béchu to say that such a standpoint was "appallingly" given the relationships between Angers stores owners and the city council during the last term. After those mutual critics, the ball goes to centrists...

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