27 February, 2011

Charity begins at home. Only at home...

News analysis.- Angers medias promote sometimes - probably unconciously - individual behaviour absolutely opposed to a value they usually put in the front pages all day long and under countless manners : solidarity. Nowadays, in the local news, everything makes reference to solidarity : gardens, workshops, shops, restaurants, exhibitions, tourism and so... Nevertheless, Le Courrier de l'Ouest dedicated last saturday the main title of its front page ("Their week of skiing is incontrovertible") to the holidays of a couple who, every year, go to skiing. Good!

The problem is : they have three children they let at home... for budgetary reasons! And the mother points out : "Now, we must go during school holidays and that's not possible". What a pity. If the expenses for two persons sum 1 000 € a week, they will range 3 000 € for five.

Hopefully, the parents describe their holidays and their beneficial effects better than a travel agency would do so : "That week in the middle of winter is irreplaceable. It is so good that stay in altitude, we do sport, we breathe fresh air. We take profit of it during several weeks later". Kids will appreciate. Hopefully, the parents used their train family rate. "So-li-da-ri-ty", no word of a lie!

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