01 March, 2014

Christophe Béchu focuses critics on Frédéric Béatse's projets and rules out an alliance with centrists

Pronostiqué comme vainqueur du 1er tour des élections municipales, Christophe Béchu estime que le premier sondage réalisé sur la ville d'Angers laisse penser que 30% des électeurs veulent à nouveau de Frédéric Béatse comme maire. Le candidat conservateur considère que le projet Rives Nouvelles est "irréaliste" et que le passage de la seconde ligne de tramway à la gare ne ferait qu'ajouter aux problèmes de circulation.

Along with Frédéric Béatse, Laurent Gérault and Jean-Luc Rotureau, Christophe Béchu was the guest of the daily Ouest-France and, during his interview, focused his critics on the current Angers mayor. After an opinion poll gave to that one, Frédéric Béatse, about 30% of the votes after the first round, the conservative candidate came to the conclusion that implicitely 70% of the voters didn't want to elect his left challenger.

Credit picture : Angers Béchu website
Regarding the project of the socialist candidate, Mr. Béchu reiterated that the New Banks of Maine scheme was "pharaonic and unrealistic" and that the route of the tramway second line through the Angers Saint-Laud railway station district, "where people already do not know how to move", was "symptomatic of a team short of ideas".  Mr. Béchu also refered to the street interviewes made by journalists in which inhabitants expressed, according to him, the "amateurishness" of the current mayor. But Mr. Béchu also admitted his idea of a route of the second trolley line through the La doutre district was "a mistake".

Questioned about an alliance with Laurent Gérault, the centrist candidate, after the first round, Mr. Béchu  kept his standpoint. "I have made it clear. The platform and the team for the first round will the same for the second round", throwing out the lower chance for an agreement between him and his challenger in a forseable future. As president of the Conseil général de Maine et Loire, Christophe Béchu wished good luck to the policy of re-industrialization of the late Angers Technicolor site, finding regrettable that "the department authority had been constantly put aside on a strategy as well as public announcements in medias".

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