31 December, 2010

Sustainable financial commitments seem to be on the 2001 agenda of Angers city

The town hall of Angers sent on the lask week of december to hundreds of local decision-makers its traditional agenda. This custom lasts since almost twenty years and seems a good one. Useful to their beneficiairies, the diary is also a vehicle of promotion for the city. The 2011 edition has two differences with the previous.

First, the Angers agenda comes back to the calendar year (formerly, its pages started on september 1st and ended on august 31) instead of adopting the scholar rythm. Secondly, its format is a little bit simple but, nevertheless, with a more colored cover which make the book more attractive. Formerly, the cover were in carboard or even in imitationleather with the letters Angers and the year printed in gold (colour). This change is maybe nothing more than a detail, but such an evolution could come from the big turn the local authority is living in its finances.

The municipal messages the agenda is carriying have also changed. In the preface of the previous diary, Angers declared its support to social housing, employment and solidarity. In the last edition, the city only likes to think on itself as eco-responsible, evoke a network of transportation where the automobile is out and mentions its natural spaces. The purpose seems less ambitious but financially more sustainable. Clearly, the time is no more devoted to "shared influence" but to a lower and , ultimately, more reasonable, profile.

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