10 December, 2012

Angers fame : an amateur pastry chef "put her hand to the dough"

Credit pictures : Angers Loire Valley
The contest for the best Angevine Christmas log launched a year ago by Angers Loire Métropole has its winner and its cake! The Christmas log, called L'Angevine, looks a delicious biscuit stuffed with black chocolate and a creamy heart of salted butter caramel with flavours of oranges and Cointreau. But the most original is the creator of L'Angevine is not an Angevine born! Monica Lazic a slim woman with dark brown air "betrayed" by an undefinable and charming accent succeeded to use local products and to display a faithful symbol ot Angers territory. 

The idea of that creation appeared with the Soleils d'hiver 2011 edition. Numerous amateur pastry-chefs "put their hand to the dough" and displayed their works to a jury of professionnals. Those adapted Mrs Lazic recipe to professional technics, then decided to put it on sale. On each Christmas log sold, one euro will benefit to an Angevine caritative community working for precarious families.

More than twelve cake shops of Angers among them some famous names like Allard, Benoît, Petit, and surroundings as well as Le Grand Café de France or Angers Loire Tourism office will sell the Christmas log. The Angers Daily News suggests for Christmas Eve dinner : first an Angevine Soup (one bottle of Crémant wine, one ladle of lemon juice, another of cane sugar syrup and a last ladle of Cointreau), then rillauds, zander in a beurre blanc sauce washed down with a Savennières wine, and of course L'Angevine with Cointreau!

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