23 October, 2010

A unexpected result of the garbage men strike

The result of the strike involving garbage men could be different in regard of what these expectated. On october 22th, some of the "mountains" of waste visible in Saint-Michel boulevard were destroyed by fire with the garbage cans provided by the city of Angers. That means the strikers will of course have much work for cleaning the streets. But these facts may have also other significations.

At best, these destroyed garbages cans and the scattered wastes all over the pavements were caused by persons who just thought it was fun to do so, or who were "just" drunk.

At worst, these incivilities may express, not only the disappointment, but also the anger of people who live nearby and, through these destructions, want to punish the strikers. These decided the pursuit of their strike. These mountains of garbage may give ideas in other places which could be damaging for the inhabitants.

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