Les doutes sur la faisabilité de la second ligne de tramway ont resurgi et se sont même renforcés. Ce n'est plus seulement le calendrier ou la longueur de la ligne qui sont en cause, mais son existence même. Selon Marc Goua, jusque là vice président d'Angers agglomération, député et membre de la commission des finances à l'assemblée nationale, l'Etat n'accordera aucune dotation au projet. Un trou de 36 millions d'euros ferait "dérailler" la ligne B.

After suspicions were raised one and a half month ago about the lengh and the calendar of the second Angers tramway line, new statements from a Maine-et-Loire member of Parliament suggest that the very existence of that scheme is now in question. In a interview to the daily
Le Courrier de l'Ouest, Marc Goua, Trélazé mayor and member of the Angers agglomeration board, emphasized that "
The problem, it's the financing. In this day and age, I do not see how we can finance the second line. Unless mistake or omission, the state allocations, we can't expect them. However, a single line, it's not sufficient".
Out of the estimated overall cost of the scheme, 300 millions euros, 10% have to be financed by the state, let 36 millions euros, and moreover not through loans, but through grants. If that source would come to disappear, the project would probably become impracticable. Mr. Goua, knows what he is talking about : as deputy in a majority side, he is member of the finances commission at the national assembly, so well aware about France current budgetary difficulties. And maybe the election of Christophe Béchu, himself member of parliament but in the minority side, as Angers mayor, is something the government was not pleased with.

The withdrawal of the second line project would make useless all the debates and arguments between candidates during the electoral campaign but above all would be a very severe blow to the equipment of the town and to its attractiveness in the years to come.
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