Dans une récente livraison, l'hebdomadaire L'Express a consacré un article au marché immobilier d'Angers. Sous un titre un peu tapageur "Angers où vivent les riches, où vivent les pauvres? ", le magazine souligne, et parfois surjoue, les contrastes entre quartiers mais relève également qu'entre les moins favorisés de ces derniers, la politique de rénovation urbaine n'a pas eu la même ampleur.
The weekly
L'Express has published in an issue of April a report about the social and economic differences between Angers inhabitants through the real estate market. The main lessons of the survey is "
in spite of a social tradition deeply anchored, the differences in resources between Angers districts are obvious" and "
the important schemes of urban renovation have not solved all the difficulties".

While interesting and detailed, the article looks, through its title ("
Where the wealthiest and poorest Angers inhabitants are living?"), to oppose each others. The wealthiest Angevins "
are concentrated in a rather narrow perimeter included between the Montaigne avenue, the Foch and the Pierre-de-Cubertin boulevards and the Létanduère street". It is indeed in that quadrilateral that the highest income of the Maine-et-Loire are spotted. They range from € 2,024 to € 2,525 per month. "
There the gentry, the upper class, the catholic families and up from now the bobos", say an executive of the Agence d'urbanisme de la région d'Angers while a real estate agent considers that many elements "
help to keep the prices at an unattainable level for the mere mortals".

At the opposite, in the most unfavoured Angers districts like La Roseraie or Monplaisir "
the home purchase is not something conceivable" because the medium monthly revenue (in Monplaisir) is € 634. But there are inequalities between Angers districts : some, like La Roseraie, where concerned by the urban renovation, while Monplaisir was not. And the differences between them are "striking", points out the
Express who considers that in Angers, "
misery has not been eradicated but simply displaced".
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