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Angers secondary schools : could do better
Selon un classement national des lycées, aucun de ceux d'Angers ne figure au nombre des dix meilleurs de l'académie de Nantes. Le meilleur lycée de Maine-et-Loire ne se trouve pas à Angers. En outre, les meilleurs établissements secondaires de la ville ne sont las ceux auxquels on pense généralement. Si Angers fait la joie des seniors qui viennent y passer leur retraite, elle a encore des progrès à faire vis-à-vis des jeunes qui viennent s'y former.

A national ranking of the 1 555 French lycees for the scholar year 2013 has been published by the daily Le Figaro and it appears that Angers is not particularly in view. Out of 19 lycees of Maine-et-Loire, Emmanuel-Mounier is ranked 2nd, Sacré-Coeur 4th, Sainte-Agnès 5th, Mongazon 7th, Saint-Martin 10th, David d'Angers 13th, Bergson 14th, Auguste et Jean Renoir 15th and Joachim du Bellay 16th. The lycee Saint-Joseph (La Pommeraye), the first in the department, is ranked at the fourth rank in the Nantes academy and is 67th at a national scale.
But the best lycee of Angers Angers arrives only 10th in the Pays de la Loire ranking and 149th in France. The survey of the three last scholar year of that secondary school demonstrates a improvement of its success rate at the baccalauréat by 4% in 2012 and by 5% in 2013. Last year 98% of the candidates having sat for the baccalaureat got it. It appears that the litterary section is the speciality of Emmanuel Mounier. That ranking looks to question the most common belief about the qualities of the Angers lycees in which, for years, the public David d'Angers or Joachim du Bellay and the private Saint-Martin and Mongazon, were the most attractive.

A comparison between the Angers secondary schools with the othes of the Nantes academy reveals that the Nantes lycees are the leaders. But, before the Angers schools, there are others located in smaller cities like Chateaugonthier, Laval, Challans or Montaigu. If Angers is, once again, praised by the elders for their retirement, it would be desirable that the city be also attractive for the education of the youngest.
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