Les critiques en boomerang entre anciens décideurs socialistes angevins. - Rien ne va plus entre les socialistes angevins après la perte, lors des dernières élections municipales, de la mairie d'Angers. Tout le monde critique tout le monde. Après celles de l'ancien maire d'Angers à certains de ses anciens compagnons, ceux-ci lui retournent le compliment. La reconquête de l'électorat devra peut être attendre la reconstruction interne.
Nothing works any longer inside the Anges socialist community. After the interview the ex-Angers mayor, Jean-Claude Antonini gave to local medias about the defeat of his heir, Frédéric Béatse, at the municipal elections and the behaviour of his former deputy mayor in charge of finances, André Despagnet, some critics bommerangs on him.

An Angers socialits councillor in the Maine-et-Loire Conseil général, Claude Desblanc has decided to slam the door of his group inside that authority. Mr. Desblanc, who was favourable to primaries between Mr. Béatse and Jean-Luc Rotureau for the socialist candidacy to the Angers mayor office, blames Mr. Antonini he accuses "
to have despised [mépriser]
the citizens" and he also finds regrettable that Mr. Antonini never expressed "
self-criticism" after his political side was defeated.

Mr. Despagnet is not be outdone [n'est pas en reste]. He reproaches to Jean-Claude Antonini to have suggested in his recent statements that his ex-deputy-mayor, when in charge of finances, would not have been so irreproachable as it has been said on the field of financial accountancy. "
I don't know what he implies, but I am not dishonest. Indeed, there were some toxic borrowings in Angers Loire Métropole
[which was presided by Mr. Antonini]
in foreign currencies, like yen or dollar. But how could we finance the tramway scheme or the Biopole when state allocations were decreasing? Who was rather clever to forecast the subprime crisis?", asks André Despagnet.
A few days ago, the general secretary of the socialists in Maine-et-Loire, Grégory Blanc, was also criticized by Jean-Claude Antonini and Frédéric Béatse. Jean-Luc Rotureau, socialist dissident, has been excluded from the party. The former mayor of Bouchemaine, Anne-Sophie Hocquet de Lajartre, also blamed the decision-makers of that political community to behave as "
barons". Visibly, the wounds from the electoral defeat are now open and will take time to heal [cicatriser].
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