A la faveur de la prochaine publication d'un livre sur les relations entre le président de la république et la gent féminine, les rumeurs vont bon train à propos d'une réconciliation entre François Hollande et l'ex-première dame, l'Angevine Valérie Trierweiler. L'Express et Bfmtv s'en sont faits l'écho. Le "vaudeville d'Etat" intéresse bien sur les médias étrangers.

The weekly
L'Express has in its latest issue dedicated a coverage to the relationships between the French president, François Hollande, with women and, among them, the Angers native Valérie Trierweiler, herself editor in
Paris Match. A book written by the editor in chief of
L'Express, soon published, "
The president who wanted to live his lifes", is about to relate the circumstances of the split between Mr. Hollande and his partner... But according to the Spanish newspaper
El Mundo, which published an article about a "
Vodevil de Estado", the affair between the French president and the editor has maybe not ended!
According to El Mundo, Mrs. Karlin "
dares to conjecture the possibility of a reconciliation between Hollande and his 'thrown out of the window
' first girlfriend, given some gestures that the author has spoted in his relationship during the last months". "
Since several weeks, the behaviour of the president vis-à-vis his former partner look to have changed", suggests Mrs Karlin who goes on "
A series of gestures lead to think that the feelings of the president for Mrs. Trierweiler are far from being vanished"...
The case also led the French tv channel
Bfmtv to highlight that Valérie Trierweiler doesn't rule out nothing in its most next future : neither to become friend again with her former companion, nor to publish a book about her experience as first lady. According to
El Mundo, maybe the state vaudeville is not over.
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