15 September, 2012

Angers and surroundings economy : no jobs for employees without employers

The decision of Angers Loire Métropole to launch a plan aiming at 10 000 jobs creations within the five next years coincides with an alarming increase of unemployment within the limits of that territorial authority. There are 22 000 unemployed persons in Alm and, according to local medias, the rate of job seekers continuously increases since the middle of 2011. The level of unemployment is close to the France average.

So there was not better opporunitty for Alm to react. All the repre-sentatives of the territorial authority voted on Thursday a budget of 150 millions € declined in 40 policies which should lead to 1 800 new jobs per year between 2013 and 2017 within Alm limits. The efforts will concentrate in four directions : to strenghen the attractiveness of the territory and its economic identity, to bet on new leverages of growth, to favour the development of companies generators of jobs, and to sustain the acquisition and development of skills among inhabitants. 

For that reason, the title of the policiy (offensive for job) is maybe inadequate. If jobs creation is highly desirable, the way to achieve that goal goes through companies creations. And its may that such a spirit is insufficiently promoted in the region.

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