14 August, 2012

20 minutes Angers edition still on the mood but paper or web could be a possible choice

The daily newspaper 20 minutes, which distributes on Angers its national edition and had announced it will print a local edition in 2012, could be still in that mood. If, worldwide, the Norwegian group sees its trimestrial turnover increasing, its net profit has declined. In France, it's quite the opposite : the trimestrial turnover has decreased but the net profit stays positive, so the group doesn't apparently change its plan to be present in 40 cities in France and, among them, Angers.  Thirteeen editions are already printed in the country.

In Angers , 20 minutes is already distributed around the Saint-Laud railways station and on Foch boulevard under blue sun umbrellas (even if the weather is gloomy). The Norwegian group operates in France with Sipa press, the holding of Ouest-France which, a few years ago, bought Le Courrier de l'Ouest.

But the way 20 minutes will choice to report news from and to Angers could evolve. Worldwide, the Norwegian group noticed a change regarding the origin of advertisement orders. More and more, they  benefit to the web and less and less to the print. So that could affect, not the decision of 20 minutes to be present on Angers but the manner of it. If it's the case, the project of a local tv channel recently planned by Angers city could be a little bit difficult to launch.

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