19 June, 2010

Solidarity is "imposed", will inhabitants be taxed?

One of the most obvious words reported by local medias and politicians is, without any doubt, "solidarity". But the word is overused (gardens, tourism, associations) and sometimes, misused. In june, the mayor of Angers, Jean-Claude Antonini, announced in a booklet (whose cost could reach 60 000 € according to local town councillors) about the implementation of the city council commitments : "We are building the new solidarities".

"Present times impose that more than ever", justifies Mr Antonini. But, the way between " to impose" and "to tax" could be short for many inhabitants. And the mayor looks to prepare the minds to that unavoidable outcome : "In order to reach to this Angers, deeply renewed, local finances must be kept healthy and balanced", he said. As the national state reduces its financial support to local authorities "all new expense could have a direct consequence on the level of taxes upon households. However, tax rates didn't raise for 27 years in Angers"...

If the economic crisis weaken the low income families, the "solidarity" of the city could consist in reducing its expenses and thus reducing the taxes on people. In difficult period "solidarity" must exist not only between Angers inhabitants but between these and local authority through a stable taxation.

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