Si le changement de majorité ne fera sentir que progressivement ses effets, en revanche, le vote de dimanche se traduit immédiatement par un profond renouvellement du Conseil municipal. Des figures historiques disparaissent, quelques leaders également. En toute logique, les membres de l'ancienne minorité devraient se retrouver aux postes de commandement et Frédéric Béatse laisser son fauteuil de maire à Christophe Béchu.
If the swing from left to right of the Angers will probably not be visible in the policies of the city council before weeks, and may be months, nevertheless the face of that authority will largely change next Friday, date of its first session. Given the demographic decline of the town, the numbers of the councillors will be reduced to 55, instead of 59 but, above all, its members will change and some of them were historical faces.

The majority
Angers pour vous list will get 43 seats and the minority one
Aimer Angers 12. The change will probably be more sensitive for the second one. Very known faces disappear : Jean-Claude Antonini, former Angers mayor and Daniel Raoul (who didn't run), but also André Despagnet, his former deputy-mayor in charge of finances as well as Jean-Luc Rotureau, the left dissident candidate, both of them running for a new term. Other members having competed with Frédéric Béatse leave like Vincent Dulong (in charge of streets), Norma Mel-Pla (public service), Rachel Capron (culture and manager of Mr. Béatse's campaign), Michel Houdbine (sports), Jacques Motteau (commerce) and Beaudoin Aubret (seniors). Frédéric Béatse, Rose-Marie-Véron, Gilles Mahé, Sylvia Camara-Tombini, Luc Belot, Rahmène Azzouzi and Laurent Revault remain, but as simple town councillors. Most of them probably believed in the victory of their list and first its leader, the fomer mayor who, announcing the results on Sunday evening, made a Freudian slip, talking first of "
the Aimer Angers pour vous list".
The renewal will above all com from the entrance in town council of the 43 running-mates of
Angers pour vous. Its leader, Christophe Béchu, was not member of the previous council (he resigned after his 2008 defeat). Some of them are not new arrivals because there were part of the minority : Michelle Moreau, Roselyne Bienvenu, Emmanuel Capus, Françoise Le Goff, Ahmed El Bahri, Caroline Fel, Gilles Groussard, Bernard Dupré, Daniel Dimicoli and Catherine Goxe. But for most of them, the Friday session will be a start. Prominent persons of the former minority group go away from the municipal council : Laurent Gérault the centrist candidate and Bernadette Caillard-Humeau.
The new town council will elect his mayor and the deputy mayors on Friday and next week it will get down do business until 2020. The 2014 municipal campaign is by now over.
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