Le candidat socialiste à la mairie d'Angers a tenu le 25 mars son meeting d'entre deux tours des élections municipales. Frédéric Béatse s'est employé à rassembler les électeurs de gauche, dont ceux favorables à son ancien rival Jean-Luc Rotureau, dont il a salué le désistement, et même celles du centriste Laurent Gérault. Pour conserver ses chances de victoire, qui peut se jouer à quelques dizaines de voix, M. Béatse a fait quelques ajustements dans son programme et réaffirmé sa volonté d'être un maire à plein temps.
About one thousand people joined Frédéric Béatse, candidate for a new term as Angers mayor, to the meeting he run on March 25th in the Greniers Saint-Jean. If the outgoing mayor dismissed the project of his adversary for the second round of municipal elections, Christophe Béchu, he also took care to gather beyond his own supporters : those of Jean-Luc Rotureau and even those of Laurent Gérault. "
Yes there were divisions on the left, but they are now behind us. Jean-Luc Rotureau and me add up 43% of the votes and his withdrawal opens for us the door of the victory", said Mr. Béatse. The current mayor neverthless made clear that such an outcome will be close "
to some dozens of votes" so he urged each of his supporters to convince ten persons. "
You have an historical responsability", he stressed.
That one also announced that some of the proposals of Laurent Gérault, the centrist candidate, will be included in his policy en case of reelection. "
We must listen to what has been said during the first round", promised Mr. Béatse who refered to the purchasing power of Angers inhabitants and the budget of the city. On several points he also made clear that his initial platform should be adjusted. The investments budget will be lowered to € 52 millions (instead of 55 millions) "
in order to rule out taxes increases and heaviness of the debt". The outgoing mayor also considered that "
the idea of free transports during the weekends one time per month had to be experienced". He also made clear that he totally agreed with the ethical conduct put forward by the centrist candidate, unable to compete for the second round.
A large part of Frédéric Béatse' speech was dedicated to three of his most important projects for the city what led him to criticize the programme and the political ambitions of his adversary. The Angers new banks scheme "
has nothing pharaonic" (what was said by Christophe Béchu), pointed out Mr. Béatse who detailed that "
it would cost between 5 and 6 millions euros per year" but must be considered as "
an investment allowing a better identification of the Angers territory" in opposition with "
the concreting of the Maine", his rival is said to implement. Frédéric Béatse also mentioned the Gare + project which will be "
the entrance hall of Angers city from Nantes and Paris. So all the tramway routes must to be connected with the railway station" something Christophe Béchu wants precisely to avoid. About the tramway, the outgoing mayor dismissed the project of his rival : "
A tramway isn't a toy : a route one day and another one after because of some complains. Be serious", he sent.
The socialist candidate finally compared his political behaviour to those of his adversary. "
I will be a full time mayor and a full time president of Angers agglomeration. I will not be candidate to any other office during the term" promised Frédéric Béatse who implicitely made a reference to the several candidacies of Mr. Béchu otherwise Maine-et-Loire senator and who is said to consider the Angers mayor office as only "
a trophy". [Credit pictures : aimer Angers]
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