S'il était le premier à déposer sa liste de candidats aux élections municipales d'Angers, le Front national a été le dernier à présenter son programme. Son leader, Gaétan Dirand, prend acte de la crise, avec des économies de fonctionnement, des abandons ou reports d'infrastructures, mais reconnait les possibilités limitées d'un maire pour agir. Le Front national qui vise 10% des voix et une représentation au sein du futur conseil municipal, est crédité de 6 à 7% des voix dans les sondages.
Gaétan Dirand |
If the
Front national was the first to file its list of candidates for Angers city council in the Maine-et-Loire prefecture, it was the last to unveil his programme. In that one, the leader of the Fn in the department, Gaétan Dirand, duly records the economic crisis the city is experiencing and cancels, or at least postpones, a series of projects. The two main schemes, common to most of platforms in competition, the reconquest of the Maine banks and the second line of the tramway, are concerned. Mr. Dirand and his running-mates consider the first as something "
pharaonic" it is necessary to give up "
purely and solely". And regarding the tramway, having taken note of the difficulties the first line created for store owners, the
Front national candidate sets two conditions : a financial survey about the capacity of the town to finance it and a local referendum.
Credit pictures Front national |
The city finances and the economy are others fields in which the
Front national, if elected, promises changes. Gaétan Dirands wants savings : communication expenses, energy costs and, among those the public lighting. The allocation of financial grant to associations will depend of their "
public usefulness", a criteria it is not known how it will be appreciated. In the economic field, Mr. Dirand, who recognizes that a mayor is far from having the means to act, plans nevertheless to take measures in three directions : training, business creations and support to the existing companies through facilities and investments. The
Front national candidate wants local companies have priority in municipal adjudications. Last but no least, the safety leads Mr. Dirand to extend the schedules of the local police to "
one or two o'clock in the morning" until four during the weekends.
Front national aims to get at least 10% of the votes of the first round and, doing so, to sit in the future city council. Mr. Dirand didn't disclose if his list would going on for the second round. but the last opinion polls foresee about 6% (
France 3-Ipsos) or 7% (
Tns-Sofres) for the
Front national candidates.
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