10 March, 2014

The Angers school of medecine prescribes new conditions of admission

La faculté de médecine d'Angers pratiquera, à compter de 2015, un nouveau mode de sélection des candidats. Le concours permettant à 170 personnes sur plus de 1 000 d'accéder en deuxième année sera supprimé au profit d'une licence plurisanté permettant une meilleure réorientation en cas d'échec. Des sept facultés de médecine françaises ayant choisi ce changement, c'est peut être à Angers qu'il est le plus radical.

The Angers school of medecine is among the seven French universities which will experiment new methods of admission of students in the second year of their course. Until now, the medecine students had to face a very competitive exam at the end of their first year (Première année communes aux études médicales - Paces) because, on a national average, only 13% of them were admitted in the second year. In the school year 2012-2013, 170 students out of 1,095 students were admitted in the second year. The Angers rate of success (15,5%) ranked the local medecine department at the 28th rank out of 35 schools of medecine all over France.

Building of the Angers medecine department
The French medecine universities are eager to diversify the recruitement of doctors often criticized and considered as disconnected from reality and, above all, to fight against the rate of failure, 84,5% which, would cost € 350 millions every year in France. The Angers medecine university is one of the most audacious because, from 2015, it will suppress the Paces and wil replace it by a multidisciplinary process called "License Multisanté". All the students having validated their first year of license will be authorized to stand to the competitive exams giving acces to the second year. The 3/4 of the numerous clausus will be kept for themselves. The last quarter will be used by repeating students.

The numerous clausus is itself  determined upon the needs of doctors in the region where the students will fulfill their cursus. So, some universities are more selctive than others. That system was implemented 40 years ago in order to lower the health public expenses...  But it is more and more questioned because France is due to welcome medecine students coming from countries where there is no numerus clausus. The Angers numerous clausus changed in 2012 from 169 to 170...

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