Pour son dernier meeting, Christophe Béchu s'est employé à mobiliser ses troupes et bien au-delà d'elles en vue du second tour de l'élection municipale. Le candidat s'est moins attardé sur les changements que son élection entraînerait que sur le déroulement de cette campagne électorale ce qui lui a permis de concentrer ses critiques sur son adversaire, le maire sortant, Frédéric Béatse et de ménager ses effets pour un petit coup de théâtre.
For his last public meeting before the second round of municipal elections, Christophe Béchu, candidate to Angers mayor office, gave it all he had in front of more than one thousand supporters who were pending for that last rallying. "
We are parting of the ways" said the candidate who, with some Nicolas Sarkozy's emphasis, reminded to the Angers inhabitants "
We need you". Refering to a born Angers philosopher, Mr. Béchu reminded that "
There are no other wealth but men" he wants "
to mobilize for change" because, during the 200 days of campaign "
a human reality became obvious : the city needs change because it is suffering. If those who are in charge say they tried everything but failed, it's time to try with others", he sent out to a delighted audience.

After he made notice that he would speak with only a few notes, Christophe Béchu reminded the best memories some of the ordinary people he met during that campaign gave him and promised his term would be dedicated to Angers inhabitants are in need. "
We have to reinvest the everyday life instead of anticipating the 30 next years with computer generated imagery" and consider "
the warning signal André Despagnet [the former Frédéric Béatse's deputy mayor in charge of finances]
sent about the budget". That reference, and above all tributes Mr. Béchu paid to his former rivals, the centrist Laurent Gérault and the left candidate Jean-Luc Rotureau, indicated that he considers the victory will rely on the supporters of those. The first "
was clear on the change he demanded : the priority for employment, economy and truth about the city finances", pointed out Mr. Béchu who also praised the "
courage" of the other and the fact he shares with him "
some important points of agreement".
The adress of Christophe Béchu focused on the platform of the outgoing mayor. Regarding public safety, "
We are in the denial", said Mr. Béchu who suggested he will increase the number of video surveillance cameras if elected and enlarge the schedules of the municipal police. "
The projects [of his rival]
are side by side without connection between them", blamed the speaker who plans "
to make the second tramway line go through Angers down town which is suffering". But the candidate above all accused the last municipal manjority to have implemented "
a fictional interactive democracy : the inhabitants express themselves when everything has already be decided".

The conservative candidate also criticized the changes his adversary included in his programme after the first round "
to gather votes. The problem is those changes are about topics he fiercely stood for" (the free access to buses and tramway one weekend per month, the decrease of the investment budget). But Christophe Béchu kept for the end of his speech the most serious critic against his adversary through the letter that one had sent to the abstainers. "
That letter [in which it is said that the conservative candidate would cut social expenses]
is pathetic". By way of a dramatic turn of events, Mr. Béchu set then off a mail from Jean-Luc Rotureau in which that one solemnly disapproved the letter Mr. Béatse signed to the abstainers.
Those, who summed up almost 41% of the registered voters on the first round, are likely the main key to the "
historical" swing of Angers Christophe Béchu is looking for.