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Cancer : the Angers patients succeeded to wait
Credit Pictures : Ico |
With the laying, on May 17th near the Angers hospital, of the first stone of the new West Cancerology Institute, an authority gathering the Angers Paul Papin and the Nantes René Gauducheau Institutes, the two cities have displayed a good example of what a clever cooperation may bring to patients waiting for treatment against that "plague". The works of a new building will last two years and cost about € 73 millions. but the Ico will, in Angers as well in Nantes, provide the most efficient cure and treatment channels at French and even European scale.
So the laying gathered a lot of personalities from policy and sciences as Roselyne Bachelot, former Health ministry and member of parliament (from Angers constituency) when the project was decided (in 2006) and Jean-Loup Chrétien, the first French astronaut who is involved in the fight against that disease. One of the most important advantage of the project is its association with the Angers University Hospital Centre what will maximize the use of common resources like surgical units.
The new Ico will also "inject" money in the regional and local economy which is not, currently, in good shape. It is not everyday that all the territorial authorities, what be their
political orientations, the regional council, the Maine-et-Loire general
council, Angers Loire Métropole and Angers city are involved in a
common project "very important for the territory", pointed out
Christophe Béchu, the general council president. In policy, are "new banks" in sight along the Maine?
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