12 December, 2011

The way to relieve traffic congestion in Angers down town could be long

 In spite of Angers city efforts to promote collective modes of transportation, the reign of individual cars isn't yet over. On December 11th Sunday evening, hundreds of vehicles were encircled down town in search of a car park available. At the end of the afternoon, Ralliement parking lot displayed "full" as Imbach square a few hundreds meters further. And some drivers didn't hesitate to occupy pavements or cyclable lanes for their vehicle.

Although the weather was rainy, thousands of families with kids, strollers and pets were wandering inside the tiny lanes of the Christmas village, waiting for a pastry, a glass of hot wine (with cinammon) or trinkets. One of the surprising things is, even that busy day, most of stores, except a few ones, were closed while numerous passer-by stopped along their front windows in search of an idea for a gift.

If the end of year festivities planned by town hall are a success, a forward-looking policy to relieve the traffic congestion and to enhance no polluting ways of transport has to be designed in Angers : prohibition of cars in down town and prohibition of parking cars in streets in which people don't live in, as it's the case in London, could be conceivable.

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