04 December, 2011

In consequence of the economic crisis, Angers Loire Métropole gets closer to local companies

The initiative of Angers Loire Métropole (Alm) went unnoticed but is meaningful of the worries of the authority about the local companies. After the increase of local taxes that year and the soaring of the unemployment, Alm is eager to renew its links with the business community. The agglomeration has set up a department dedicated to welcome, but above all to retain its companies. The Angers area has been divided in four parts with, for each, a person always ready to listen to the worries of small or big companies regarding urban environment, employment and so.

Through that way, Alm tries to balance its relationship with inhabitants (who are electors) on one side, and the companies (which may come, stay, go away or disappear) on the other side. If the emergence of a local democracy is something important for the president of Alm, in addition mayor of Angers, it's a long time the local businessmen didn't get a direct contact with their representative.
Credit Picture Angers Loire Développement

The economic trend could nevertheless be worse during the 2nd semester of 2011 and all 2012 because of the crisis of the public debt. The local status has been measured as sufficiently worrying by the French state which has just awarded 1 million € in order to ease the current restructuring of the territory.

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