Si la pâtisserie française a fait florès outre-Manche, l'inverse pourrait devenir vrai. Une entreprise angevine est passée maître dans l'art de réaliser des gâteaux confectionnés comme des oeuvres d'art. Après avoir commencé dans un laboratoire, Sani's cakes a maintenant pignon sur rue.
Who said that French were not fond of English pastries? The presence, since a few months, of
Sani's cakes on Lardin de Musset street, is the clue of the opposite. Manuel and Sani Golfier who run the store were already settled in Angers but were only accessible through internet. The growth of their business, started a few years ago, when pastries preparation was the hobby of Mrs. Golfier who shared it through a blog. The interest for that king of sweets attracted readers and customers.
Sani's cakes, "
the specialist of wedding cakes" has a double source of
inspiration. One French and the other English. "
We produce pastries with artistic decorations English love", says Mr. Golfier while "
our cakes are also influenced by the Marie-Antoinette style"*. The combination of that double inspiration is not only the visible part of the cake. "
We have also to fit the requirements of our customers whether French or English" adding "
French generally love less sugar based pastries unlike the English who are fond of them".
The consumers are far from being located in Angers. Sani's cakes delivers to customers around 250 kms from Angers. Many cakes have been preceded by inquiries about the taste of the customers and sometimes of tasting. Those depends on the age of the person recipient of the cake. "
For a young girl, we recently prepared a cake tasting Kinder and, for a lady, we made a cake flavored to Bailey's".
Weddings, baptisms, birthdays are the most frequent orders Sani's cakes receives. Some of our deliveries are about a family, others for 300 persons! "
But everything in the cake is edible", points out Manuel Golfier who nevertheless, when the cake was a giant one, never hid somebody in one of them!
* It was said that Marie-Antoinette, learning the eruption of the French revolution because of bread shortages had stated "Let them eat cake".
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