The standpoint has, for the candidate, several advantages. First, it is a valuable opportunity for him to be on the front stage during the municipal campaign which is far from to be over and it is important for Mr. Rotureau, as for Mr. Gérault, to stay the distance. The second interest is to lead his adversaries to temper their own projects or, at least, their communication about those projects. And the last is to instil the idea that the political representatives, in the majority and in the minority, are not anymore in touch with the economic climate and that a chapter has been closed. "There is no more time for demagoguery because of electoral purposes. The projects of my platform are realizable without a tax increase", Mr. Rotureau said making the debate more strained.
Tactically, the choose to lean on the local medias. "I ask [them] to organize that debate", repeated Jean-Luc Rotureau. This one also invited his adversaries to support his idea what, if case of refusal, may lead voters to think there is something hidden. "It is necessary the Angevins be completely enlightened before their final choice", pointed out the candidate who also promised, as Laurent Gérault, he will not raise taxes.
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