Credit pictures : Wikipedia and Angers Loire Métropole |
While the demographic evolution of Angers has been negative between 2007 and 2011, it seems, according to the latest figures of the census that the trend has been reversed. Between 2010 and 2011, the Angers population has increased by around 1 200 inhabitants. The
Agence d'urbanisme de la région angevine (Aura) ads an observation regarding the number of main homes in the city. The authority entrusted to monitor the evolution of the population and the housing has noticed that there was an increase of the number of main homes in Angers : more than 1 800 since 2009 what, consistently, corroborates an increase of households, so of population. More than 75 000 principal residences were counted up in 2012 in the city.

Nervertheless, the figures prior to 2001 should be considered to settle the number of town councillors 55 from 2014 versus 59 before. If the debate has a technical content, its has above all, a political impact.

The decrease of Angers population is one of the critics expressed to Angers town
council majority by the minority and an argument used to illustrate that the policy implemented until 2014 was inappropriate. The majority replied that such a evolution was due to the urban renovation process which included the demolition of thousands of homes what, logically, led to a loss of population. So the return to demographic dynamic is something which should warm the heart of Angers mayor, Frédéric Béatse even if nothing is said about the evolution of the average age. The Angers demographic dynamic should not only rely on a ageing population.
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