Another initiative is going on. Due to Angers Technopole, it is dedicated to the transfor-mation of innovative ideas in projects. After a long period of one appeal per year, the structure has since a few year change the pace of the contacts with project carriers who are now able to compete three time a year. If the 2010, 2011 and 2012 sessions registered around 230 projects, 25% have been selected for a support from Angers Technopole which hosted some of them in his own buildings.
And for young people who do not plan to start a business, the Mission locale pour l'emploi has invited on October 16th more than 1 500 youngs to a forum in the Maison pour tous of the Monplaisir district allowing them to meet five companies located in the city. Angers town and Angers Loire Métropole offered more than 60 jobs. The idea could be extended to other city districts next year.
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