Mr. Gérault is said to endorse that offer "which comes from the top", he pointed out, but which nevertheless contradicts the fact Udi had previously choosen him to lead the battle for Angers mayor office. "We throw a stone in the courtyard of Christophe Béchu", said Mr. Gérault who, logically, hopes this one will answer. The Angers centrists look now torn in two parts. The local members of the Moouvement des démocrates (Modem), who recently choose to gather with Christophe Béchu, were later called to order by their national responsibles. Those said such a decision had to be made up by the national level of the mouvement. The Udi would be in a different situation with the mouvement, at a national level which demands an alliance with Béchu, while his local leader, Laurent Gérault, is apparently reluctant.
The press release mentions "quarrels of persons which do not measure up to what is at stake" and asks "solemnly" Mr. Béchu "to really build that rally". The Udi do not want to be "under the care" of the Union pour la majorité présidentielle, Mr. Béchu's political party.
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