19 January, 2013

Pasteur crime scene stays with the knock of the fright

Eight days ago, Nicole Châtelain had her throat cut by a man she helped a few years before through the caritative community she managed in Angers. Since that ugly day, the blood of the woman has been swept. The glasses of the entrance door of her building smashed by bullets and hammer knocks has been replaced. And the few humble bouquets of flowers put by neighbours on the steps have been removed.

All the marks of the horrible, and beyond understanding, death of that peaceful woman who, a week ago came back home from her market, have vanished. Probably the rememberance of the woman, few by few, will disappear except for her former neighbours. Their goings and comings by the entrance of their common building will always meet the shadow of the victim. In the Angers community Promojeunes, where she dedicated her time, probably the souvenir of her actions will be kept as a model to follow. While people walking along the scene crime may think : "Is that so sure?".

But what this "news item" will suggest to Angers city responsable in charge of the hosting of displaced populations? Is it possible to welcome people unprepared for such a change of universe without giving them the intellectual tools to melt in Angers and among its inhabitants? Are they sure they can behave as if they were God?

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