03 January, 2013

Angers didn't caught new inhabitants during the last decade

Between 1999 and 2010, the city of Angers has recorded a flimsy loss of inhabitants. Their number, 151 270 in 1999, was 147 571 in 2011. Above that slight decrease, what is noticeable is Angers doesn't attract new inhabitants. Some of the towns of the first circle around Angers do not record substancial increase of their population. That is the case of Avrillé in spite of the numerous real-estate projects which have been implemented there. The change is more important in villages of the second circle around Angers. That is demonstrated by the recent survey about the travels inside Angers Loire Métropole limits : these become more important gradually with the remoteness of the city centre.

Probably, one of the origins of that phenomena has something to do with the soaring of real-estate prices in Angers city during the last ten years. For a young household, it is now impossible to buy a house or even a flat inside Angers, even with interest rates which have never been so low. So these families have no other choice to run away and settle in cheaper locations.

 For Angers city, the challenge consists in building affordable real-estate projects. Many of them have already been erected by the social housing companies but, even if about 80% of Angers population is eligible to such accomodations, all do not ask a home in the city. The fact the representatives tried, and will continue, to make Angers more attractive (with commercial , transports and leisures facilities) looks no sufficient. The price of the real-estate, above all in time of crisis, is decisive in the choice of locations of Angevins.

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