Nothing works any longer between majority and minority inside the Angers town council. On February 1st, the minority will publish a manifesto against its "opposition". "Angers, danger, the other assessment of the majority 2008-2012" where several aspects of the management of Jean-Claude Antonini, then Frédéric Beatse team are questionned : economy, employment, districts and political governance of the town.
The critics have not, apparently, been disclosed to the public so, the minority succeeded to create a buzz around its initiative.
The left majority is angry. On behalf Frédéric Béatse, mayor, several deputy-mayors stepped up to the plate and accused the minority of a sabotage of the last city council meetings. These "have been the place of sad politician moves of the minority. Openly contradictory with the political balanced history of our territory, the behaviour of the minority is outrageous and disrespectful". The majority leaders point out that t"he title of the manifesto is disgraceful and warn they will not give way to provocations".
The publication of the booklet indicates that the minority group has now started the reconquest of town hall. That initiative predicts a long and hash campaign. With the economic problems France presently face, the way to keep the power in Angers is not yet won for Mr Beatse and his team.
31 January, 2013
30 January, 2013
The Angers Tuareg reappears by the sides of a liberation movement of Northern Mali
Credit Angers city |
Credit Wikipedia |
If Mr Ag Assarid is not critical about the French army intervention in Mali which was threatened by an islamist coup d'Etat, he nervertheless condemned the fact France brought back in Norhern Mali the Malian army he accuses of exactions. In Mali, recent reports notice a resentment between Black and Tuaregs Malians.
29 January, 2013
The university enters in permanent expenses while some allocations are no renewable
The Angers University has just got a deferment thanks to Angers Loire Métropole which granted a "one-time" allocation. After a new round of talks between its president, Jean-Paul Saint-André, and the Higher education and research ministry, the 2013 budget of the university will be less in the red than foreseen. A month ago, the deficit was estimated at € 4 millions. But after new allocations from the ministry (a supplement of € 350 000), from others departments of the state (€ 500 000) and also from Angers Loire Métropole (€ 200 000) on one side, and savings of the Angers university on the other side, the deficit will be lowered at € 1,5 million.
But Mr Saint-André looks incurable. After he stated that the staff expenses counted for more than 80% of the budget of the university, the president has announced the appointment of 67 persons in 2013 and 24 others in 2014! But these will undoubtedly make the expenses more difficult to reduce if ever the allocations from the state, or others partners, were do disminish.
But how, Mr can Saint-André recognize that some buildings of the humanities college need desperately works (while students are working in unendurable conditions) and, at the same time recruit new employees ? Angers Loire Métropole said its help exceptional, i.e. no renewable. So Mr Saint-André should consider that he can't finance supplementary expenses with a grant which can never come back.
Credit Picture Angers University |
28 January, 2013
Wastes sorting : Angers Loire Métropole takes positions...
It's true that there is nothing less sexy than sorting the wastes. "Many students do not stay in Angers more than a few months" and don't care about the cleanliness of the city, explains Gilles Mahé, deputy-president of Alm in charge of environment. He hopes through the distribution of a leaflet on "the pleasures of sorting without complexes", Alm will touch the target.
Here the territorial authority has been less ambitious than the 64 positions of the original Kamasutra... not very appropriate to deal with the problem. Alm will teach the students boys how not to be troubled by wastes just a little bit and explains to the student girls simple positions to adopt in front of a bin.
27 January, 2013
The Malian community of Angers and city representatives side by side in the Mali crisis
Credit Pictures : facebook angersbamako |
"The Malian community living in Angers launches an appeal for peace, for national integrity of [the country], secularism, tolerance, unity, security and democratic stability", said Lanse Coulibaly, president of the Malian community of Angers. A company of the 6th engineering regiment located in Angers has recently been sent to Mali to bring technical support to other French armed forces involved in the fight againts the islamists.
26 January, 2013
The Angevins are able to be counted during the discount days
In the downtown streets, the mood was not busy. Of course, couples were there to take benefit of the discount days : shoes and clothes were the most frequent items purchased that morning. But a glance in the stores, small and big, allows to notice that the sales have not been (yet?) very intense. Many items of good qualities at discounted prices (-30 or 40%) have not yet met their owner. The sales employees are not overloaded by shoppers.
25 January, 2013
The Angers court will "now" seize the dealers' money
The magistrates of the Angers correctional court warned the offenders convinced of drug trafic. "From now", indicated the deputy public prosecutor, they will take money in the wallet of culprits. A 28 years old Angers inhabitant who sold drug has been sentenced to two years in jail with even for one of those two years a deferment. But the court that time ordered the "savings" he had in his parents' home and on a life insurance (both equal to 8 300 €) be taken.
That is fair because the man sold drug for money, with of course, a little margin. To take the profit of this deadly trade is appropriate because these persons didn't had the least interest for the health or the lives of their customers nor the fate of their families. Because of the drugs they sold them, some consumers, mostly youngs, have became mentally or/and physically ill. Others are even dead. And their families endure a ordeal for life. A sentence they didn't deserve. But the dealers don't care.
What is the most surprising in that case is the fact the magistrates only will start now to implement such sentences. Why they haven't done it before? That should have been done for long! The money, the sport cars, the luxury clothes and so, all should have been taken off for long. And that will not refund their victims or the families" victims. "Ill got, ill spent".
What is the most surprising in that case is the fact the magistrates only will start now to implement such sentences. Why they haven't done it before? That should have been done for long! The money, the sport cars, the luxury clothes and so, all should have been taken off for long. And that will not refund their victims or the families" victims. "Ill got, ill spent".
24 January, 2013
The "Long walk" of China in Angers
Angers already had, for years, numerous chinese restaurants. Since 2000,
the city hosts more and more chinese students mainly trough the Centre
international d'études françaises of the Université catholique de
l'Ouest. And, since 2009, a Confucius institute settled in Angers in
order to make the town more familiar with the chinese language and
culture. On February 2nd, the Chinese New Year event will parade in down
A giant snake made of plastic bottles will animate stretts of down town and especially on Ralliement square on Saturday. The place will display several animations on the Chinese historic myths and environmental stakes (event if China is not the most worried country by ecological issues).
The Angers inhabitants are already used to meet Chinese students who, in the city, are great users of the free bike service, a transport mean still very common in that country. But in Angers, the Chinese community seems to be a world apart which doesn't mix with other categories of inhabitants. But not a single problem has ever been reported. As if a mental "great wall" had been erected between them and other people.
A giant snake made of plastic bottles will animate stretts of down town and especially on Ralliement square on Saturday. The place will display several animations on the Chinese historic myths and environmental stakes (event if China is not the most worried country by ecological issues).
The Angers inhabitants are already used to meet Chinese students who, in the city, are great users of the free bike service, a transport mean still very common in that country. But in Angers, the Chinese community seems to be a world apart which doesn't mix with other categories of inhabitants. But not a single problem has ever been reported. As if a mental "great wall" had been erected between them and other people.
23 January, 2013
Angers companies are not always "maids in Angers"
"Made in Angers" is back. From February 18th to March 15th, the thirteenth edition of the event tries to reinvent itself through a focus on the jobs which raise work to art forms and another one about innovation. Innovation, incidentally, would be appropriate to give a new look to the event. That one gives more and more the feeling that Angers is indulging in navel-gazing. Would it be possible to open the scheme to somebody else than Angers inhabitants?
The mood of Angevins towards companies doesn't appear to have change funda-mentaly over the years. Even the authorities consider the entre-preneurs only through what these can offer : jobs, well before growth. And in Angers Loire Métropole, the website introduces the event through the phrase "100 boîtes" to visit, what looks a little bit nasty... ("boîte" has no equivalent in English). The job dating which is planned at the end of the event is praiseworthy, but is it efficient? And the president of Angers Loire Métropole in the leaflet detailing Made in Angers aknowledges that Made in Angers is the opportunity for companies to enforce their links with the territory. And what about the opposite?
Other perspective would be possible. The first one would be to give a wider fame to the event by inviting neighbours of other western cities to come. And why not from Paris, with tours around Angers? A second way could consist in turning Made in Angers towards professionnal circles : investors, managers from France or abroad. It's not good to walk round and round. Made in Angers could become mad. Some managers would probably think that their companies are sometimes considered as important, because most of the year, they are considered, through fiscal pressure, as "maids in Angers".
Other perspective would be possible. The first one would be to give a wider fame to the event by inviting neighbours of other western cities to come. And why not from Paris, with tours around Angers? A second way could consist in turning Made in Angers towards professionnal circles : investors, managers from France or abroad. It's not good to walk round and round. Made in Angers could become mad. Some managers would probably think that their companies are sometimes considered as important, because most of the year, they are considered, through fiscal pressure, as "maids in Angers".
22 January, 2013
The 2014 municipal polls, first serial of the new Angers télé
Olivier Hamon, manager Angers télé (Credit Angers city) |
But on February 29th, serious things are starting. If Angers tele starts, rightly, at low scale, the first time schedule is not very convincing : sports on Monday, economy on Tuesday, associations on Wednesday, soccer on Thursday (what are sports on Monday?) and culture on Friday. On Saturday and Monday, news are in weekend... It sounds like fish and ships on Sunday, roasted pork on Monday... Twice a month, Angers télé will dedicate a programm to one of the districts of the city : they are twelve. What it will cover after?
Hopefully, the starting will concide with the municipal campaign of 2014 and that is a good serial. The debate between left and right and inside left and right should ensure long hours of programs. Those circumstances will also allow the viewers to check the independance of the editorial line. The first shots will be a festival. Good luck!
21 January, 2013
Snowballs fight in Angers town council over the Saturday open air market
The deputy mayor, Jacques Motteau, is also blamed by the storekeepers who said they were not warned of the Angers town hall decision. The weather conditions will be carefully examined both by the minority and majority sides of Angers council next Saturday, and maybe next year. With such a weather, the chances of snow is uncertain, but the snowballs fights are sure!
20 January, 2013
European first films festival : Angers supporters behind the screen
19 January, 2013
The adjournment of Angers open air market has not been sold to mobile store owners
That scene reminds another issue largely discussed by the Angers retail and large trade owners : the prohibition to open on Sundays, even the Sundays before the end of year holidays. That decision of Angers Loire Métropole authority was widely criticized because that period of Christmas and End of year day is usually very profitable for their sales.
The weather conditions are the obvious reasons which made the Angers city to decide the closing that Saturday of the the open air market. But, were the temperature and wind in Angers so hard to justify the stop of trade activity? Are not the mobile store owners the best entitled to decide what is best for their job?
Pasteur crime scene stays with the knock of the fright
But what this "news item" will suggest to Angers city responsable in charge of the hosting of displaced populations? Is it possible to welcome people unprepared for such a change of universe without giving them the intellectual tools to melt in Angers and among its inhabitants? Are they sure they can behave as if they were God?
18 January, 2013
Angers inhabitants civic mindedness frosted
In a city which is looking to promote walking instead of driving the first advice to inhabitants or store owners had neverthless sense of timing. "Angers city recalls that everybody is due to clear the snow from the pavement along one's home or store", indicated the city website. But apparently, the warning has been far from recorded.
That time Angers townhall took care of detailing on its internet page all the measures of caution it implemented regarding trafic, cancellation of events or clorure of public places. But the worst is maybe to come : the night from Friday to Saturday will be icy. So trafic will be hazardous till Sunday. Townhall which ordered a few days ago to close the ski-trail should order to reopen it.
17 January, 2013
Letter from the editor
Dear Mr. Lewis,
Thank you for your kind messages. How do I do? I don't know but I would like to do more and better.
Best regards.
Thank you for your kind messages. How do I do? I don't know but I would like to do more and better.
Best regards.
Avalanche of bad news on Angers students
If snowfalls are predicted on Thursday to Friday night, it's an avalanche of bad news which stormed over Angers students on January 17th. They had been informed that the dean, Jean-Paul Saint-André, didn't got a single euro more for the management of his university current fiscal year, that one being already considered by hom as "under provided" in allocations by the ministry of higher education and research. The second news came from Angers city itself who announced (what was predicted on December 19th by Angers Daily News) that the Saint-Serge parking lot, where students of the law university park their cars, will be from now charged (while it was free).
The origins of such a decision could come from the wish of Angers city to deter inhabitants to use their cars and lead them to choose the tramway, their bikes or their feet... According to town hall, facilities to park the cars are too much important in Angers compared to other cities. So the "incentive" consists in the reduction of those facilities. The second element would be the need of Angers to get more resources. A few months ago, fares of other car parks of down town had been dramatically increased what infuriated retail store owners.
That policy doesn't fit with the attempt to bring back in down town student population which is an important leverage of consumption nor the claim to revitalize the core of the city. The money they will pour in new ticket machines will not go elswhere. If the policy is to oust cars from town, a simple prohibition would have been more effective.
That policy doesn't fit with the attempt to bring back in down town student population which is an important leverage of consumption nor the claim to revitalize the core of the city. The money they will pour in new ticket machines will not go elswhere. If the policy is to oust cars from town, a simple prohibition would have been more effective.
16 January, 2013
The Angers universtiy didn't got additionnal money for the current year
During that conference, the president recalled the origins of the "critical situation" of Angers University. While 80% of the expenses of the university were already related to wages, between 2009 and 2011, the board give tenure to 100 persons, depriving itself of all possibilities of a regress in case of financial difficulties. "That reccruitment of an important number of persons had a direct impact on the payroll", said Mr Saint-André. That one recognized that the 2012 budget was moreover built on "unrealistic hypothesis" : under valuation of expenses and over valuation of receipts which triggered a savings plan last year which reduced the deficit.
Credit pictures Angers university |
15 January, 2013
The financial problems of Angers university didn't rallied Angers students
The Angers mayor, Frédéric Béatse, and the university president, Jean-Paul Saint-André, were in the cortege; That last havd an appointment the same evening at Paris to get supplementary resources (€ 4 millions are needed to balance the 2013 budget). According to M. Saint-André who considers Angers is one the most poorest universities of France, the financial situation is "critical".
14 January, 2013
Angers university : the state allocations didn't increased as quick as the number of students
January 12th will be an important day for the Angers university. Its president, Jean-Paul Saint-André, will be received at the ministry of higher education and research in order to get some supplementary credits. "The Angers university faces a critical situation. That doesn't come from a bad management but to a transfer on universities resources of expenses they don't master", mentions the Angers university on the front page of its website which, moreover, displays a video about its finances.
That was not the case a few weeks ago while the financial deterioration was already official. The Angers university would be unable to balance expenses and receipts for the third successive year. "€ 4 millions are lacking", indicates the website "and the allocation granted by the ministry doesn't allow to Angers university to run normally". The situation worries not only teachers but also students : more than 1 100 of them have launched an appeal to demonstrate in Angers streets the same January 12th. Classes and exams will be interrupted a part of that day
That situation led the board of the university to refuse to pass a 2013 budget in the loss. In 10 years the number of students rose from 15 500 in 2001 to 20 200 in 2011, an increase of 30%. On the last fiscal year, the number increased by 9% against 1,5% ten years ago. According to figures disclosed by local medias, the number of foreign students has tripled between 1988 and 2008 to about 2 300 persons, about 11% of the total of Angers students.
That situation led the board of the university to refuse to pass a 2013 budget in the loss. In 10 years the number of students rose from 15 500 in 2001 to 20 200 in 2011, an increase of 30%. On the last fiscal year, the number increased by 9% against 1,5% ten years ago. According to figures disclosed by local medias, the number of foreign students has tripled between 1988 and 2008 to about 2 300 persons, about 11% of the total of Angers students.
13 January, 2013
Angers economic policy should not only give way to "facilities"
News analysis. - The two main representatives in charge of Angers and its surroundings, Frédéric Béatse, Angers mayor, and Jean-Claude Antonini, president of Angers Loire Métropole, have openly expressed on Janueary 8th that the present year would be "complicated" because of the continuation of the economic crisis. The most evident result of that situation is the increase of the unemployment rate in Alm, which, soon, will be equal to the France rate : about 10%.
It is maybe under that aspect that their greetings pledges could felt short of the Angevins' expectations. Of course, large part of what they said was related to the improvement of the inhabitants daily way of life : a new tv channel, the re-development of the Maine banks, a new swimming pool, a second tramway line but also new accommodations for young and low income households who want to live in the city, because of the increase of the energy costs. But is that dimension of people, as beneficiaries of facilities, the only one to be considered?
People have another dimension. They are, and want to be, for themselves and for the society, economical agents. And the first way to get such a status is the work. In that sense, the aim of such territorial authorities would be to gather within their territory the best conditions for companies to create value, to be profitable and, maybe, to recruit. The fiscal pressure is part of the problem. That was not clearly disclosed a week ago by the two representatives. These projects regarding territory private companies' competitiveness are not the most visible but they are not the less necessary.
It is maybe under that aspect that their greetings pledges could felt short of the Angevins' expectations. Of course, large part of what they said was related to the improvement of the inhabitants daily way of life : a new tv channel, the re-development of the Maine banks, a new swimming pool, a second tramway line but also new accommodations for young and low income households who want to live in the city, because of the increase of the energy costs. But is that dimension of people, as beneficiaries of facilities, the only one to be considered?
People have another dimension. They are, and want to be, for themselves and for the society, economical agents. And the first way to get such a status is the work. In that sense, the aim of such territorial authorities would be to gather within their territory the best conditions for companies to create value, to be profitable and, maybe, to recruit. The fiscal pressure is part of the problem. That was not clearly disclosed a week ago by the two representatives. These projects regarding territory private companies' competitiveness are not the most visible but they are not the less necessary.
A horrible news item may raise questions on mutual abilities of Angers and displaced individuals to match
The horrible murder occured on Saturday around 11 am in front of a building located Pasteur avenue in Angers suspects a 29 years old Sudanese, until now unknown from the police department. The man is suspected to have cut a 60 years woman's throat on the outside steps of the building where the victim lived. According to some witnesses, "the man looked mad and threatened the other pedestrians with a knife" before the arrival of the police forces. When these were on the scene, the man attempted to grasp a semi-automatic gun just before he was wounded by a shot of the police.
The Angers mayor, Frédéric Béatse, was on the scene crime and, "horrified and affected by this news item" expressed "his compassion and solidarity to the victim's family". He ordered that a psychological assistance be given to witnesses of the murder and neighbours of the victim themselves upset (some of these saw the victim "laying on the ground in a pool of blood").
Such a disaster - if the suspect is convicted - may raise questions within Angers population and its representatives about the ability of the city to host people without giving them the sufficient assistance to adapt to a new way of life and without monitoring they have the abilities to do so : knowledge of the society they are in, professionnal qualifications and, above all, the wish to integrate themselves to their new environment. Most of them have been "landed" in Angers by people smugglers only interested by money. A fact Angers city should not be ignorant.
Such a disaster - if the suspect is convicted - may raise questions within Angers population and its representatives about the ability of the city to host people without giving them the sufficient assistance to adapt to a new way of life and without monitoring they have the abilities to do so : knowledge of the society they are in, professionnal qualifications and, above all, the wish to integrate themselves to their new environment. Most of them have been "landed" in Angers by people smugglers only interested by money. A fact Angers city should not be ignorant.
12 January, 2013
The twinning Angers-Bamako could be the hostage of the Malian conflict
The twining between the two cities was launched in 1974. In 1985, Angers decided to dedicate 0,5% of its resources to cooperation and a house for the partnership house was opened in Bamako in 1997. The main fields of Angers cooperation are related to culture, health, water and waste treatment throughout non profitable organizations.
The situation of the country will surely have echo in Angers who hosts a Malian community. That one was badly surprised laearning that a Malian writer, Moussa Ag Assarid, may have joined rebels forces in the Northern Mali suspected to have links with islamists warriors.
11 January, 2013
2014 : the invisible adversary of the Angers left majority
More and more big companies face difficulties and the number of employees hit by the trouble of their employers, increased from 1 886 in 2011 to 3 292 last year, a sky-rocketing trend of 75%. These figures do not come from Angers only but have an echo with the economic situation of the city. Nation wide, the figures are not very different and the Angers city council as well as Angers Loire Métropole will be challenged by the loss of confidence of voters for their future.
Between October 2011 and October 2012, the number of persons without job went over the 15 000, i.e. about 15% in Angers Loire Métropole territory. And few by few the local unemployment rate comes close to the national one. Probably Mr Béatse is aware of that, pointing out during his greetings pledge that he will monitor the usefulness of every euro spent or invested. But that will not eliminate the temptation of Angers (and France) voters to sanction the representatives in office at local level.
09 January, 2013
Angers "tuned" to English
The only "false note" Angers and Angers Loire Métropole did with their gift was a grammatical mistake (in French) in the little introduction joined to the dvd. It was written "La Ville d'Angers et son agglomération sont fiers de leurs talents!". Was not the adjective "fières" more appropriate? Probably that is due to the fact the two authorities are already very englicized!
08 January, 2013
Frédéric Béatse's fighting greetings
It sounded like a warning towards all who wish to become Angers mayor, in his own political family or in the opposition one : "To be Angers mayor gives you a sum of energy you can't imagine", said Frédéric Beatse who, for the first time of his mandate, wished a happy new year to the Angers inhabitants gathered in the Lurçat tapestries museum. The register was voluntary that Monday. While Notre-Dame-des-Landes airport opponents displayed panels claiming "NDDL airport = climatic crime", Mr Beatse didn't surrender, continuing his pledge under applauses. And pointing out his will to overcome the predictable, and predicted, difficulties of 2013, he said "That year will not be the year as it is announced, it will be the year as we shall do it".
Throughout his pledge, Frédéric Beatse made numerous announ-cements regarding the launching of projects as the Maine new banks, a festival, in 2014, about new musics, the opening of La Cité, a building dedicated to all the associations of Angers, the new swimming pool, a new centre of congresses and political initiatives like a conference on employment with local businessmen or another about the night disturbances. But, aware of the difficult period the city faces, Mr. Béastse repeated that "not a single euro will be spent or invested without a concern for the economy and the employment and everything will be done to maintain the city debt as low as possible".
Preceded by Jean-Claude Antonini, the former Angers mayor and now president of Angers Loire Métropole authority, Mr.Béatse pledge was rather direct, and even sometimes agressive when, after he recalled one of Mr Antonini favorite words, "To be mayor is always close to get a slap", he recognized that "[he] was sometimes in the mood to give some".
Preceded by Jean-Claude Antonini, the former Angers mayor and now president of Angers Loire Métropole authority, Mr.Béatse pledge was rather direct, and even sometimes agressive when, after he recalled one of Mr Antonini favorite words, "To be mayor is always close to get a slap", he recognized that "[he] was sometimes in the mood to give some".
07 January, 2013
Commercial projects : the Chamber of commerce wants a break
For the president of the Chamber, "the arrival of Atoll makes necessary to do an inventory" while the commercial park has not, up to now, realized the predicted turnover and triggered commercial fields in Grand Maine and Espace Anjou. Regarding the future cultural complex planned at the south of Angers, Mr. Groud looks dumbfounded. In many aspects, what Eric Groud is saying is similar to what Angers real-estate professionnals are claiming : the pace has been a little fast during the last year and now the demand is slowing down.
06 January, 2013
Verneau, destination nowhere
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