"English is now part of the Anjou cultural landscape", wrote in its edition of february 24th the weekly tabloïd La Tribune d'Angers, in an article about the interest inhabitants have to practise foreign languages. Two of them are becoming "incontrovertible" Chinese and English. "The Angevins don't anymore stand back from English like a few years before. They tend to make the Obama's sentence "Yes we can" theirs", precise to La Tribune d'Angers, Phoebe Marshall-Raimbeau, manager of the English Library in Angers with 1 600 members, a figure which doubled in 15 years.
This interest comes mainly from students. In the field of humanities, the courses of Applied Foreign Langagues studies attract most of the holders of French baccalaureate and they constitute on third of the members of the English Library in Angers, before adults who wish to resume English or English speaking people who have setteld in Western France and have been attracted by the collection of the authority. But about 120 children have been registered at the English Library and classes of English have been multipicated in the villages around Angers.
According to the tabloïd, numerous private companies teach English in Angers (The Wall Street Institute, Ecolangues, L'Autre Ecole, Access Langues, Langues Passion, The English Center of Angers) or public like the Angers Municipal Institute, and more recently, Saint-Edward University or the tea shop My Favourite Place.
28 February, 2011
27 February, 2011
Charity begins at home. Only at home...
The problem is : they have three children they let at home... for budgetary reasons! And the mother points out : "Now, we must go during school holidays and that's not possible". What a pity. If the expenses for two persons sum 1 000 € a week, they will range 3 000 € for five.
Hopefully, the parents describe their holidays and their beneficial effects better than a travel agency would do so : "That week in the middle of winter is irreplaceable. It is so good that stay in altitude, we do sport, we breathe fresh air. We take profit of it during several weeks later". Kids will appreciate. Hopefully, the parents used their train family rate. "So-li-da-ri-ty", no word of a lie!
26 February, 2011
The Sco, field of coming municipal fights

The answer of the majority looks clumsy. Michel Houdbine replied that Angers "was the only local authority to have constituted a monitoring committee" what the Conseil général didn't do. But for what results? The critics from the majority to the opposition doesn' elude its own shortcomings.
25 February, 2011
The Maison pour tous of Monplaisir could host, against its will, the humourist Dieudonné
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Credit : Maison pour tous de Monplaisir |
The case starts when the Maison pour tous receives an offer from Phone Mobile to rent the auditorium for a one man show in order to reward its customers. The Mpt signs a contract where only the title of the show had to be precised, and not the name of the artist. The title of the show is "Mahmoud". Moreover, the show Mpt thought it was private and free was in fact paying and public! "We have been deceived", claims the board of the Mpt.
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Credit : Wikipedia |
24 February, 2011
With the Angers "VéloCité +" consistency steps back

Moreover, if the title af the article gives to undestand that more and more person are using bikes in town, Alm precise in the text that "7% only of students of Saint-Serge campus, in Angers, use bikes for their daily trips"... If "Bike is winning ground in town", good sense steps back!
23 February, 2011
Angers pays tribute to the English illustrator Quentin Blake

Quentin Blake, whose works decorate the new hall of the maternity hospital, wrote and illustrated more than 200 books and among them, those of Roald Dahl's children's titles ("Fantastic Mr Fox" and the famous "Charlie and the chocolate factory").
22 February, 2011
The requests of social housing decrease in Angers
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Credit : www.lepuzzle.angers.fr |
Many of the requests of social housing are not older than a month while a law, dedicated to prevent too long waiting list, is unforceable... because there are no complains. And in many social institutions around the city, there is often no more than a request for a single flat. So it could be time for the city to slow down constructions of social housing instead of keeping the same pace.
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Credit : Wikipedia |
21 February, 2011
The "Participation Day" of Angers in new theatre leads to a theatrical result
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Angers city |
Credit picture : Wikipedia |
That generous, but a little bit preposterous, posture doesn't cause progress in the daily life of Angers inhabitants. May be the "Participation Day" has triggered, as the mayor had hoped, "expectations and projects". Those are not visible yet.
20 February, 2011
"Paintings and drawings" from Julien Parsy in the Grand Théâtre

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Credit pictures : www.julienparsy.com |
The colourful Parsy's works (which size is sometimes monumental) have been exhibited one time per year since 2000 in different cities like Angers, Nantes, Le Mans or Saint Etienne and abroad.
19 February, 2011
Morning fog in Angers city
Though, that presence of mist in town is not so rare. According to climatic datas, Angers is wrapped with fog 43 days per year (when the national average is 40 days annually). That is explained by the location of the city at the limit of oceanic and continental climates, but also by the presence of many rivers, the Maine, but also the Mayenne, the Sarthe and the Brionneau along with natural and artificial lakes.
That could lead the city to rule more strictly the traffic because pedestrians, bikes, cars, cabs and buses will be next to the new cable car. One of the main difference with England is the lack of discipline of the first who cross the ways out of the zebra crossing or do so in spite of opposite lighting signals, because they have the false impression they are seen. Some progress have to be realized in the years to come.
18 February, 2011
"Angers Loire Valley" : "y" to change?
Is the capital of Anjou get back in touch with its English heritage? Angers Loire métropole introduced on Februaru 15th a new name designed to overcome an identity deficit. According to surveys, many tourists and businessmen don't know where Angers is in France. So the Angers Loire Métropole council decided "to build a new image which has broken away with the former", said Daniel Loiseau, who unveiled that new denomination : "Angers Loire Valley".
The brand is perfectly understandable by inhabitants of Angers who, most of them, are not at ease in English. Moreover, it gives to the city an international aspect. The more interesting is this name is the result of a poll luauched in 2009 with inhabitants, tourists and people contributing to the development of the province. The goal of Angers Loire Valley is simple : "to enlarge the visibility and the influence of the metropole".
While English appears as something which is no longer ignored by the public institutions entrustred with the future of the province, curiously, medias coverage didn't point out that aspect. Tough the new brand was introduced, and apparently welcome with interest, by local businessmen gathered for the opening of the event : "Made in Angers"...
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Credit pictures : Wikipedia |
While English appears as something which is no longer ignored by the public institutions entrustred with the future of the province, curiously, medias coverage didn't point out that aspect. Tough the new brand was introduced, and apparently welcome with interest, by local businessmen gathered for the opening of the event : "Made in Angers"...
17 February, 2011
The "Sco-rched" Angers city council
News Analysis. - The Angers city council is at the center of many questions asked by local medias regarding its part, or its absence of part, in the Sco story. A crisis meeting was held on february 14th at town hall. The city council is accused to have not paid attention to "disturbing elements" in the financial reports of the club. Regarding warning signals sent by the chartered accountant in his reports, the city council claims it never received them.
If that is true, why did it pay out a 500 000 € advance to the Sco? Why has the city council paid a survey (200 000 €) regarding a new stadiun to a company, property of the chairman of the club himself, which could not have the necessary neutrality to lead such a work? While the city council knew the Sco had to get the certification of its annual reports by a chartered accountant, why he didn't demand it?
The trial of Willy Bernard, chairman of the Sco, on April 8th could enlarge its debates to the behaviour of the town hall. And that could reduce the ability of the city to implement a new tax designed to balance its budget and make even more unpopular some planned expenses. Months to come will demand from politicians a sporting spirit!

The trial of Willy Bernard, chairman of the Sco, on April 8th could enlarge its debates to the behaviour of the town hall. And that could reduce the ability of the city to implement a new tax designed to balance its budget and make even more unpopular some planned expenses. Months to come will demand from politicians a sporting spirit!
16 February, 2011
The first April shower in Angers last staturday
Last saturday in the afernoon Angers got its firts of 2011, covering the ground with little round white balls which melted a few minutes after they dropped. April showers is a short and violent rain which occurs during the transition from winter to spring and is caused by the meteorologicoa phenomenon of convection.
The convection is a vertical move of the air itself due to thermical contrast which takes place when spring is coming : the low layers of atmosphere are heating while low temperatures still remain in altitude and the ground is still cold. Due to vertical air streams, wet and mild air rises and condenses, creating clouds of droplets made of water or ice. Others may arrive in the weeks to come.
15 February, 2011
The 13th Africa Movie Festival of Angers in april
The 13th Africa Movie Festival will take place in Angers from april 12th to 17th. Organized by the association Cinemas and Africa Cultures, the object of that event is to introduce the African cinematography as well the culture of that continent to the French audience. The festival presents a selection of about 20 short and features films by directors coming from all over Africa.
Designed for all publics, the Festival will dedicate time to documentaries and some of the works showed will deal with historical issues. The 13th edition of the Africa Movie Festival aims to get the attention of the youth throughout special movies which tell them stories.
The opening and closing showing will be hosted by the Congress center while others will be screened at the Gaumont variétés. Talkings with African directors will take place in Chemellier hall. Two prizes will be awarded : an audience award and a youth award for short films as well as feature films.
The association Cinemas and Africa Cultures, founded in 1992 which purposes are the development of cultural links with that continent, has planned with Angers numerous events, among them a musical parade in down town on April 13th.
Designed for all publics, the Festival will dedicate time to documentaries and some of the works showed will deal with historical issues. The 13th edition of the Africa Movie Festival aims to get the attention of the youth throughout special movies which tell them stories.

The association Cinemas and Africa Cultures, founded in 1992 which purposes are the development of cultural links with that continent, has planned with Angers numerous events, among them a musical parade in down town on April 13th.
14 February, 2011
The Lorraine square under works
After the low part of the Mail gardens and the car park of Maréchal Leclerc square, it's up to Lorraine square to be renovated. Construction vehicles have take possession of the place since the beginning of february. The pavement has been removed and the trees uprooted. Presently, the Lorraine square shows a devastated face as if a bomb were dropped there.
If the works in the Mail gardens were linked from the disease of the trees, it's not the case in Lorraine square. The place is closed, so a repositioning of the bus stops and a change in the traffic ways could be planned because of the cable car which will be in working order within a few months. Presently, that little square has numerous functions : it helps public transports, car traffic and pedestrians. It's may be too much.
According to the scheme published by town hall, these functions could not change because the Lorraine square is due to keep an access for residents, to increase the parking lots and to facilitate the traffic of pedestrians and bikers. These future functions yet exist. So the materials used for that renovation will have to be of high quality in order to make the square fit with the surroundings.
According to the scheme published by town hall, these functions could not change because the Lorraine square is due to keep an access for residents, to increase the parking lots and to facilitate the traffic of pedestrians and bikers. These future functions yet exist. So the materials used for that renovation will have to be of high quality in order to make the square fit with the surroundings.
13 February, 2011
The Angers press points out the efforts of youngs and elders to speak English

There is a contast in Angers (as in many cities in France) between the presence of written English and the practice of spoken English. In the first case, pedestrians in down town can face many ads in English or many stores which commercial names are in English. In fact, people express a desire of more proximity with the English world they don't get with French television. On the same newspaper, the head of English studies in the Western Catholic University criticizes appropriately the scarce diffusion of English speaking movies in tv programms that makes difficult to viewers to hear and understand English.
12 February, 2011
The reputation of Angers city and the Conseil général will be damaged by the Sco case

11 February, 2011
"20 minutes" daily newspaper will bloom from march in Angers city
The Angers inhabitants will get from mid march a new newspaper. "20 minutes", the first free national newspaper, will touch Angers as well as 12 new French cities, among them Le Mans and Orléans (there is yet an regional edition in Nantes and Rennes) and will so achiev the level of 31 editions in France, Spain and Switzerland.That daily will be available in many public places (like La Tribune d'Angers, a weekly newspaper) : railway station, car parks or cultural institutions.
While "20 minutes" will not have a local editorial office in Angers, it will nevertheless cover the local news in many fiels : politics, economy, culture and so. The local editions of the daily are also on the web. The costs of "20 minutes" are entirely financed by ads.
The daily newspaper was launched in 1999 par a Norwegian company, Schibsted. Its format is 23,8 x32,2 cm (also called half-berliner). Thanks to that expansion of its geograpical distribution, "20 minutes" will be present in four French cities about five ranging 200 000 inhabitants and more. The next step of the daily could lead it till 51 local editions in France.

The daily newspaper was launched in 1999 par a Norwegian company, Schibsted. Its format is 23,8 x32,2 cm (also called half-berliner). Thanks to that expansion of its geograpical distribution, "20 minutes" will be present in four French cities about five ranging 200 000 inhabitants and more. The next step of the daily could lead it till 51 local editions in France.
10 February, 2011
Hundreds of managers gather in Angers to think about the sense of working
Several hundreds of young managers gathered on february 8th at the Angers congress center in order to dicover why people work? "Why do I work" was the issue of an evening planned by the Centre des jeunes dirigeants d'entreprise who invited a former trade union leader, now manager, Nicole Notat, a philosopher, André Comte-Sponville and a member of the French Académie, Erik Orsenna.
The work of managers will become more and more complicated, warns André Comte-Sponville, because their task "is to make work people who consider the work as a burden". The solution could come from a desecretion of the work because "work is not, and never was, a value". But the work has a cost and it has to give sense to life. According to Nicole Notat, the managers will have to worry about issues which are not the first goal of the business, the profit, because the profit is endangered if the company doesn't pays attention to issues for which the people they make working are worried. And according to the author, Erik Orsenna, it's important "to take pleasure in work".
Founded before the second world war, the Cjd is a non profit making organization which goal is to help young businessmen to develop their skills in management.

Founded before the second world war, the Cjd is a non profit making organization which goal is to help young businessmen to develop their skills in management.
09 February, 2011
Maréchal Leclerc square is turning green
A few weeks before, the city gardens department had yet change the trees in the Mail garden just above. Due to illness, tens of trees hab been brought down. and the design of the place could have been slightly changed. The city looks to grant attention to the charm of public spaces.
At Christmas period, Angers inhabitants expressed a little disappointment regarding the mineral look of the Ralliement square, considering it lacked trees (but places have been planned to receive them).
08 February, 2011
Angers city council sets up a "participation day" to stimulate new ideas regarding life in town

A "participation village" will open its doors in the theatre in order to illustrate the numerous way which every citizen has to associate hihmself to the city life : exhibitions, screenings, talks with inhabitants as well as professionnals. And, from 9 h 00 to 16 h 00, several conferences and workshops will try to set up a brainstorming about the matters in which Angers city is eager to listen to new ideas : school, movings, culture, sports and leisures...
In order to enlarge the accessibility of the event to mothers or disabled persons, the town hall has planned special facilities like nursery, deaf and dumb language interpreter.
07 February, 2011
The montly free visits of the Angers castle are not free... from critics
Archeological works since 1992... |
One of models of the castle |
You are welcome... |
06 February, 2011
The King's speech let Angers audience... speechless

That is justified by the quality of the movie. Subtil and lively dialogues, accuracy of the characters and period, sparkling images, the English cocktail was perfect. The film has two levels : a fascinating relationship between teacher and monarch (what really makes the film worth seeing) and an impeccably crafted chapter from recent British history.
But the The King's speech also set people an exemple of courage, an attempt to get a country about an amorphous fear of a grim future that could inspire many politicians and citizens of today's world who have to negotiate the bend between the twentieth and the twenty first centuries.
05 February, 2011
The King's speech on Angers screens
Two cinemas of Angers, Les 400 coups and the Gaumont Multiplexe, show from the begining of february the archetypal English movie : "The king's speech", which tells the story of King George VI, who had to overcome a debilitating stammer to instill confidence in a nation at war.If the movie is dubbed in French, some of the screenings are in English and so translate more accurately the voices and, thus, the tempers of the characters.
The King's speech is so an historital drama. Directed by the English Tom Hooper, the film won the 2010 Toronto International Film festival People's Choice Award and has been nominated for twelve Academy Awards nominations, including best picture, actor, director and original screenplay, supporting actress and supporting actor. The King and Queen parts are played by two English actors. the part of the Australian speech therapist is interpretated by an Aussie.
The movie has been criticized in France as the "latest manifestation of British narcissism" summarised as "We are ugly and boring, but, By Jove!, we have good reason!".
The King's speech is so an historital drama. Directed by the English Tom Hooper, the film won the 2010 Toronto International Film festival People's Choice Award and has been nominated for twelve Academy Awards nominations, including best picture, actor, director and original screenplay, supporting actress and supporting actor. The King and Queen parts are played by two English actors. the part of the Australian speech therapist is interpretated by an Aussie.
The movie has been criticized in France as the "latest manifestation of British narcissism" summarised as "We are ugly and boring, but, By Jove!, we have good reason!".
04 February, 2011
John-Franklin Koenig "His life and work" at the Angers fine arts museum
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Crédit picture : wikipédia |
Better known in Europe and Japan than in his native country, Koenig was an international artist. Born in Seattle in 1924, he became interested in art at a young age, particularly the Asian art he found at the Seattle Art Museum. Drafted into the army in 1943, Koenig fought in Europe until the end of the war.
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Credit Picture : Angers museum |
03 February, 2011
Loire Valley Trade Fair : the "World Wine Web" in Angers

Established in 1987, the Loire Valley Wine Trade Fair "has become over the years one of the most important wine events in Europe". Moreover, although only wine producers from the Loire Valley may exhibit at the fair, it is marketed as an international trade event, and this is fully justified by the fact that 12% of its visitors are from overseas.
(Credit pictures and graphic : Loire Valley Trade Fair)
02 February, 2011
The anglophone Nelson Mandela will give its name to an Angers new educational estate
An English speaking leader of the 20th century will give his name to the future educational institution which construction is due to start on february 17th in Angers. Nelson Mandela, former 1st president of South Africa, who spent the most part of his lifetime in jail because of his opposition to apartheid, will so be the denomination of that new building.
The educational equipment, located in the new district Les Capucins, will host 15 classes on which six will be nursery classes and nine elementary classes. The inhabitants will also have access to a library, a day-nursery and a leisure center for very young children. The educational estate will be surrounded by 10 000 flats and houses and served by the street-car.
The Nelson-Mandela estate will be working on september of 2012. According to town hall, the library will shelter high tech medias in order to familiarize the users to new technologies.
Nelson Mandela is not the unique anglophone personality to give one's name to a place in Angers. Several of the streets of Angers city new districts bear Englicized family names.
The educational equipment, located in the new district Les Capucins, will host 15 classes on which six will be nursery classes and nine elementary classes. The inhabitants will also have access to a library, a day-nursery and a leisure center for very young children. The educational estate will be surrounded by 10 000 flats and houses and served by the street-car.
The Nelson-Mandela estate will be working on september of 2012. According to town hall, the library will shelter high tech medias in order to familiarize the users to new technologies.
Nelson Mandela is not the unique anglophone personality to give one's name to a place in Angers. Several of the streets of Angers city new districts bear Englicized family names.
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