News analysis. -
If the reputation of the Sco is at risks because its chairman, Willy Bernard, was suspended for allegations of financial misuses - a trial has been planned on april 8th but the businessman benefits of the presumption of innocence - the reputation of the two main local public sponsors of the club could be seriously more damaged. The complaints they lodged could come too late and the money, 610 500 € from town hall and 207 000 € from the Conseil général, could vanish definitely.
The Angers soccer club is an non profitable organization which legally and financially depends on a public anonymous sports purpose company where the Angers municipal council has a delegate, Michel Houdbine, entrusted with sports. The company which manages the Sco is due to publish annualy a report established by an auditor. Michel Houdbine said in local press : "If we had have the least suspicion about the neatness of the accounts, we would have taken the least risk
". The problem was visibly nobody read the auditor's reports which pointed out anomalies since two years...
And the most devious element of the case is the department entrusted with the relations with Sco demanded twice to the club the accounts for the financial years 2009 and 2010 it never got, while half the money was nevertheless paid out.
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