After a week of strike of the garbage men in Angers, the streets are full of households and shops wastes. Tons of garbage (plastics cans, cards) are lying on the pavements and the inhabitants don't know how to limit their garbage production. So the city hall decided on october 20th to clean up the most critical places.
But the strike, and may be the strikers, point out, once again, the minor respect a lot of persons have about to the cleanliness of the city. After the demonstrations of the last tuesday, the course of the demonstrators was scattered by papers, cigarettes buts, and so. Even the green spaces are not respected. Many demonstrators walked on the greens as if the strike was giving them the right to do so. Since that day, Angers looks like devastated after a storm of wastes.
Finally, the city garbage men will a to work twice to make Angers quite clean again (what would be good because the local taxes are to be paid right now). The city estimates 800 tons will have to be collected. The sprinkler is sprinkled. (credit picture Tony)
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