Like the current soccer world cup, the municipal team led by Christophe Béchu plays the extra time and experiments its first duels with the city council minority. The mayor, who promised during the electoral campaign he would undertake an audit about the finances of the city, unveiled just after the France-Nigeria round of sixteen, the results. Those confirm what was foreseen during the campaign : the finances conditions of Angers are not bad, but they are deteriorating what must lead to appropriate measures.
budget, savings symbolized by the cancellation of the credits planned (by the former city council) to the Rives Nouvelles scheme and the renunciation to a 15 millions euros in borrowings. Because the state allocations and the fiscal revenues are decreasing or staggering, because the operation expenses have increased in 2013 (among the origins there is the new Aquavita swimming pool), there is no other way but to reduce spendings. Part of the savings will be neverthess used to finance the first free hour car park and the street improvement plan, Mr. Béchu promised when he was candidate to Angers mayor office.
Face to those measures, and the analysis which preceded them, the minority side choose to inflame the debate. The Ecologist Gilles Mahé, former deputy mayor, criticized the mayor's policy regarding the car traffic as "exemplary of the 70's", what trigerred a fierce answer from Mr. Béchu regarding the parking lot settled inside the Atoll commercial park by the previous municipal decision-makers whom Mr Mahé was member. The speech of Frédéric Beatse, former Angers mayor, who reminded he had choosen to reduce the capital budget ackowledged some consensus about the interest of corrective measures before it's too late.
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