La place du Ralliement mettra en valeur samedi prochain les initiatives de jeunes angevins dans le domaine de la culture, de la solidarité ou du civisme. Si leur engagement est profitable à la collectivité, il est aussi enrichissant pour eux-mêmes. Ils partageront leurs idées et leurs expériences lors de la 5ème Journée de valorisation de la jeunesse.
The fifth edition of the Youth promotion day (Journée de valorisation de la jeunesse) will take place next June 14th on Ralliement square from 10.30 an to 8.00 pm. The event aims to promote the involvment of young Angevins in the life of their city in very different fields ranging from culture to international exchanges. Since 2010, Angers city, several associations and the young Angevins city council join their efforts to display the projects in which these are involved.

All day long six angles will allow participants to have a better knowledge of the advantages Angers and themselves may get from their involvment in social, civic, artistic areas. Some of them organize international exchanges through sport or work camps in Vietnam or Rwanda but also are looking to sthrenghen the mobility inside the European Union. In another workshop, the young public will be invited to discover what commitment is, through experiences regarding, amongst other things, prevention of risky behaviours. In another place, the people will have an idea of the local young talents in graphic arts, theatre and music.
The Youth promotion day is only the most visible part of what the city does for its young population. The
Youth Mission of Angers city is available to help those who have a (no professional) project in mind and want to achieve it. If Angevins were moving with their feet last weekend, on the next one they will move with their mind, and their heart.
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