La journée de la jupe.- Dans plusieurs lycées publics et privé d'Angers, des élèves masculins ont le 16 mai arboré une jupe afin de sensibiliser leurs condisciples, et au-delà, au sexisme ambiant. Le port de la jupe n'a apparemment pas déclenché les foudres des ennemis de la théorie du genre ni l'enthousiasme des jeunes gens.
Students of several Angers senior high schools wore skirts on May 16th as part of a national initiative dedicated to awake their fellow students to the problems of sexism. The event, supported by the Nantes academy and the French ministry of education, "What does the skirt raise?", was implemented by 22 senior hig schools out of 220 in the Pays de la Loire. In Angers, the David d'Angers, Emmanuel Mounier, Sainte-Agnès, Joachim du Bellay "lycées" were part of the movement.
The arrival in the schools of male students wearing skirts was reported by the daily Le Figaro didn't trigger (until now) any protest from local communities involved in the fight against the opening of the wedding to male and female couples. But the idea didn't anymore gathered a lot of participants, while in some senior high schools, the initiative was officialy endorsed by teachers in order to stimulate a reflection about to favour the awareness and to change the representations of everyone. Many students choose to wear stickers rather than skirts.
Maybe kilts would have been more appropriate? And some of the persons who wear it are symbol of masculinity.
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