Two little Angers companies have recently been awarded at national level by economic observers for their successes. Novea Energie and Mca Finance, both of them located in Angers, are in completely different sectors but have in common their involment in very specific fields.
Credit Picture : Mca Finance |
Mca Finance, founded in 1987 by Patrick Creuzé, still in charge, is a portfolio management company. The
Agefi, an electronic daily news website gave it its grand prix in assets mana-gement through the Mca's funds
Mca Gestoblig. That fund has got the best performances on the 3 last years and been ranked with the highest grade by
Europerformance, a rating agency. On one year, the funds recorded 4,49% in profitability. Mca Finance's offices are in Paul Bert street.
Credit Picture : Novea Energies |
Novea Energies, founded in 2007, manu-factures - in Angers - self-sufficient ligh-ting systems. It has been , awarded by
Deloitte In Extenso, an accountancy and management services company, for its growth during the last five years : 401%. The Novea's customers are local authorities and companies looking for lighting devices fit-ted to off-grid areas which wish to focus on renewable solutions and energy savings.
These two rewards should stimulate the will of candidates to An-gers municipal elections to give to local companies the most favou-rable environment for their growth and jobs creation. After all, every major company has been small one day.
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