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"So British" is (at the) Welcome
"So British", the British forthight stops in Angers but just for two days! That event, initiated by the European cultural centre, an association located in Nantes and supported by Nantes Métropole, is about to travel across the Pays de la Loire. In Angers, the initiative is unfolded with several participants : the Maison de l'Europe 49, the English speaking library of Angers and the Wigan ambassador in Angers.
If "The Islanders in sight" are often considered as people having a way of life and of mind as different, sometimes conflicting with those of the continent. That's the gap the British fortnight stop in Angers wants to fill because, in spite of the differences, the two cultures have a lot of common elements. And the French way of life is clearly influenced by the British one. A walk along the stores front sides in Angers allow to notice the important use of English words...
If those are able to catch the interest of the Angevin passer by, that one should have a glance to the British exhibition. Permanent organizations dedicated to the tea tradition ("The nice cup of tea"), virtual visits of London and some of its monuments will take place for two days while different workshops will be set up on March 16th and 17th : an English market, debates about man and woman equality and above all a conference about the stereotype in English and French relations, by the Wigan ambassador to Angers, Al Makraz.
The place where the fortnigh will be hosted is, by itself, a clue about the friendly interest of Angers towards the Islanders. The name of that building "Les Salons Curnonsky" was known, for a long time, by Angevins, and in French, "Le Welcome"...
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