31 March, 2013
Angers Loire Métropole budget : a single keyword and two key figures
30 March, 2013
Charity begins after home agency
Credit Picture : Angers Emmaüs |
The families looking for low priced items they can buy in the usual stores of Angers come after families looking for houses, flats or building lands. Damaged individuals come after people who had resources to undertake a project. Few by few, the impoverishment looks to strike down more and more families of Angers.
29 March, 2013
The Gec ask to Angers town hall to reconsider the cost of car park for the stores employees
The news dedicated by that blog about the Angers city budget has also triggered a comment from the president of the Groupement d'entente du commerce de Maine et Loire, Fabien Rebours. In his letter, Mr. Rebours notices that "the most important investments of the town are not in charge of Angers city, but of Angers Loire Métropole, of which Jean-Claude Antonini, former Angers mayor, is president".
27 March, 2013
The 2013 budget dramatically increases the support to local economy
The Angers town council i soming back to the good old use : the city renews with the stability of the local tax rates and want to support the living forces of Angers : the economy whose ability to generate jobs is deteriorating because unemployment is increasing.
The council tax and the property tax will keep the same rates in 2012 and 2013. Regarding the operating budget, Angers city has exactly, in spite of the worsening of the economic context, the same level in self-financing : € 23, 6 millions in 2013 compared to... € 23,6 millions in 2012. The self-financing, which is the difference between receipts and expenses, illustrates the worrying of the town council not to spend more that it earns. In the operating expenses, the wages are the first expenses : € 103 millions in 2013 vs. € 99,4 millions the previous year. Their percentage in the total of expenses doesn't change. The growth of expenses is 3% in 2013.
The capital budget, dedicated to the facilities the city wants to offer to its inhabitants, increases from € 65,8 millions to € 68,6 millions. The annual variation is 4,25%. So it is rather reassuring that the increase of capital expenses is faster than the increase of operating expenses. But an important change has occured in 2013 regarding the support of economy. While, in 2012, the economic development got only € 1,1 million, the amount of money dedicated to the same goal has soared to € 7,3 millions. (Credit Pictures : Angers city)
The council tax and the property tax will keep the same rates in 2012 and 2013. Regarding the operating budget, Angers city has exactly, in spite of the worsening of the economic context, the same level in self-financing : € 23, 6 millions in 2013 compared to... € 23,6 millions in 2012. The self-financing, which is the difference between receipts and expenses, illustrates the worrying of the town council not to spend more that it earns. In the operating expenses, the wages are the first expenses : € 103 millions in 2013 vs. € 99,4 millions the previous year. Their percentage in the total of expenses doesn't change. The growth of expenses is 3% in 2013.

26 March, 2013
"Incidental" remarks after Angers city council
An incident has closed on March 25th the debate of the Angers town council. After it was denied to talk about the new trouble between the town store owners and town hall, the minority group choose to slam the door of the room. If the opposition has the absolute right to express its disagreement, the issue having led to that incident is maybe a little disproportionate with what was at stake. Others issues could validly lead the opposition members to leave the session. And the least is not some expenses coming under the chapter "solidarity and well living together".
Theses expenses, a new swimming pool called Aqua Vita (€ 30 millions) or the new "Estate of solidarity", are considered by many inhabitants as untimely giving the worrying economic datas in Angers. The last figures of unemployment notice a continuous increase of jobless. If the supplementay allocation granted to the Centre communal d'action sociale will surely help low income families to overcome difficulties, it also indicate that Angers is becoming impoverished.
It is not sure, the minority group would have done differently. But, regarding the animation of Angers down town, it has not, till now, offered new ideas to make the core of the town more living. One must believe that, a day or another, the new homes built all over Angers as well as the offices of Gare+ will find occupants. Because, what Angers need is inhabitants and jobs.
It is not sure, the minority group would have done differently. But, regarding the animation of Angers down town, it has not, till now, offered new ideas to make the core of the town more living. One must believe that, a day or another, the new homes built all over Angers as well as the offices of Gare+ will find occupants. Because, what Angers need is inhabitants and jobs.
25 March, 2013
The Angers economic difficulties could invite themselves in the 2014 municipal ballot
Frédéric Béatse, current mayor, but elected because of the dismissal of the former mayor, and Jean-Luc Rotureau, his challenger, both members of the Socialist Party, will need the support of the whole Angers left. On the opposition side, Christophe Béchu is the favourite but will need the support of the Centrist, Laurent Gérault. But all of them, face a very serious foe : the economic crisis.
That one again has worsened the economic and social situation of the city. Between January 2012 and January 2013, the number of jobless people has increased by 13%. Today, about 24 000 persons are unemployed in Angers and nothing is in view, locally, nationaly or internationaly, to break that trend. Many circumstances could explain such a phenomena but it is clear that Angers will have to find, by itself and in itself, the means to overcome that evolution rather than waiting the economic recovery after the crisis like the sun after the rain.
24 March, 2013
The Angers open air market, a tempting place for customers... and thieves
It is not said if the open air market is monitored by police or town hall departments. But it could be useful to do so. That popular moment has to be protected.
23 March, 2013
In Angers, "Earth Hour" was not on time
The Angers stores owners movement urges town hall to the dialog
22 March, 2013
A nice cake for tea
Even born in Brittany the company which owns the brand has also an English name : "Cake Valley". Angers if the fourth city to host a store of that group like a "cherry" on a cake.
21 March, 2013
Minds are warming up in the Angers majority city council
Frédéric Béatse |
Jean-Luc Rotureau |
Jean-Pierre Chauvelon |
20 March, 2013
Angers store owners at the front side... of policy
Maybe they don't catch customers. Never-theless, they are in the middle of the front side of the political battle which starts to liven up almost one year before the municipal ballots of 2014. But, during the last year something has changed. While they were powerless regarding the constraints brought by the works of the first tramway line, then by the set up of the commercial park, Atoll, things look to have recently changed for Angers retailers.
After they got audience in the public opinion regarding the soaring of car park fares decided by town hall, they gained the withdrawal of the pavement tax project planned by the city council majority. Very recently, one of the Ralliement square store owners led after a hunger strike the Angers mayor himself to remove all the giant pots of shrubs, set up for years around the place. And yesterday, another store owner threatened a deputy mayor of a complain after a "false accusation" regarding the sale of alcohols...
The Angers mayor is working to switch off fuses of gunpowder kegs but that is weakening his position and the authority he needs as a no elected mayor, after the resignation of Jean-Claude Antonini, former Angers mayor. His opponent, Christophe Béchu seized upon the issue of the architectural failure of Ralliement square. But Angers store owners do not be deceived : customers and vote catchers are very different things...
The Angers mayor is working to switch off fuses of gunpowder kegs but that is weakening his position and the authority he needs as a no elected mayor, after the resignation of Jean-Claude Antonini, former Angers mayor. His opponent, Christophe Béchu seized upon the issue of the architectural failure of Ralliement square. But Angers store owners do not be deceived : customers and vote catchers are very different things...
19 March, 2013
Anger strike at Ralliement square
Christophe Béchu, president of the Conseil général de Maine et Loire and main contender of Frédéric Béatse, current Angers mayor, for the next municipal ballots of 2014, has (skilfully) taken advantage of that specific situation to enlarge the debate upon the mineral aspect of the Ralliement square where that store owner has settled. According to Mr. Béchu, the Ralliement square is one of the most important failure of the current municipal team he compared to a "funeral slab"...
Mr. Béatse is aware of that problem he wants to solve as soon as that year by the set up of flowers and shrubs throughout the place. It is true that cemetaries are often decorated with flowers...
18 March, 2013
"March showers brings April flowers"
One of the main characteristics Angers will "cultivate" in the years to come is its closeness of nature and ecology. After the awards the city received a few weeks ago because of the maintenance of its public parks, the town hall has planned on April 28th an event titled "Small gardens, big ideas" which will take place all day long at Molière square, formerly an ugly car park replaced now by large sandy space with here and there flowers and shrubs.
The program unveils a wish to awake the inhabitants to the interest of gardening, and not only for ecological reasons but, maybe, for economical ones on condition theses have... a garden. Different kinds of gardens will be displayed : square gardens, pot gardens, lasagne gardens and even ("in French") a "Jardin big bag". Such an initiative looks to fit perfectly with the image the town has, since a long time, developed : the economic importance of vegetable network, the number of green ways and the involvment of Angers in policies aiming at the promotion of nature in towns, like ParkAtlantic, an Irish program Angers is member.
The town council will try to get more supporters to its giant project "New banks" which should play the role of a "green frontside" for people outside the city and to link it with its urban policy of sustainable development. Angers announces other events until the end of the year pointing out the close relationship (some) Angevins have with nature. Regarding the amount of wastes collected in publics spaces in the city, it's rather "Few gardeners, big defiances".
17 March, 2013
The Angers Cie Map stages war scenes shots
In a quiet province like Anjou, far away from international news, dramatic as important issues nevertheless attract audience. That was the case with the play "Right to the end", written by Eric Bouvet, a photojournalist who was sent a few years ago to cover the Chechenia conflict opposing supporters of the independance of that Russian province, to Russia. The story is staging what were his feelings during the coverage of the Chechenia war.
That war leaded Eric Bouvet to face horrors, death, hell and madness. Following Russian soldiers, he depicts in "Right to the end", the progressive terrible bids between fighters of both sides. Brought face to face to such non sense facts and behaviours, it is possible that Mr Bouvet needed to write the things he saw after he "shots" them.
"Right to the end" was played in Saint-Barthélémy d'Anjou, a city in the surroundings of Angers on March 12th, after the story of Eric Bouvet was "translated" to the stage by the Angevine theatre "Cie Map", settled in the Monplaisir district. Both, Eric Bouvet and Map recently deserved the comments of the national daily newspaper Le Monde.
13 March, 2013
Letter from the editor
Dear Sam, Thank you for your kind comment. The choices of Angers inhabitants in favor of English sounding christian names is intriguing and has maybe something to see with a wish to introduce English words in their "home world". Regards. Edgar
10 March, 2013
Letter from the editor
Angers Daily News will interrupt its publication during a week for holidays. Edgar
08 March, 2013
"So British" is (at the) Welcome
The place where the fortnigh will be hosted is, by itself, a clue about the friendly interest of Angers towards the Islanders. The name of that building "Les Salons Curnonsky" was known, for a long time, by Angevins, and in French, "Le Welcome"...
07 March, 2013
Steal job
So it's not amazing an Angers Pôle Emploi agency be attacked for a job. What person, sensible, without a single answer to hundreds of candidacies could be ready to do in order to get a job? If truth be told, was the robber of Pôle Emploi so crazy? All that joblessness doesn't smell good...
06 March, 2013
With the project of a new congress centre, the Maine reconquest should be considered as a source of revenues for the city
After the first change along the Maine right bank took place a few weeks ago near the Angers rowing club, a more general approach is planned by the Angers city council towards inhabitants. After the choice of an architects team by the town councillors in April 2012, a group of Angevins has since worked on the project of the redevelopment of the Maine banks. A synthesis of its technical constraints and the population opinion about the scheme is planned on March 19th at the Angers law school.
The "New Banks" project consists in a "reconquest of the river sides" aiming at gathering the left and the rights... parts of the town and at strenghening the attractiveness of the city in Western France first. If there is no doubt about the positive consequences of the project regarding the urban consistency of the city, its effects about the fame of Angers outside the West of the counctry seem, until now, a little bit vague.
The risk is to get a place only designed for the Angevins pleasure while it should be a tool to attract tourists, for business or for leisure, from other parts of France and even from abroad. The set-up of the new congress centre announced a few weeks ago should give more consistency to the project. The new banks could also bring money.
The "New Banks" project consists in a "reconquest of the river sides" aiming at gathering the left and the rights... parts of the town and at strenghening the attractiveness of the city in Western France first. If there is no doubt about the positive consequences of the project regarding the urban consistency of the city, its effects about the fame of Angers outside the West of the counctry seem, until now, a little bit vague.
The risk is to get a place only designed for the Angevins pleasure while it should be a tool to attract tourists, for business or for leisure, from other parts of France and even from abroad. The set-up of the new congress centre announced a few weeks ago should give more consistency to the project. The new banks could also bring money.
Angers political leaders could meditate over sports facilities projects
But there is a project the minority suggested in the past which could not resurface soon : a new stadium for the soccer club Angers Sco. Le Mans, a neighbouring city of Angers, is painfully, facing a difficulty coming from its decision to get a new stadium for its soccer team. After the club declined from the first to the second division, its financial revenues sharply decreased.
05 March, 2013
Pasteur Avenue murder : more questions remain after the accused tried to set fire to his prison cell
The reasons of his act are unknown as well as the motive of his murder and his attacks with arms against three policemen, and among them, a woman. It was said that the man was living in Angers for several years but had no jobs and was in charge of the Promo-Jeunes association where Nicole Chatelain was educator.
If the questions about the behaviour of that man are, at that time, unanswered, the questions about his presence in Angers remains without explanations. In the meantime, three young African, whom it is said they are minor, have been hosted on an emergency way, two in a temporary housing and the third in an hotel without any support. A support which could nevertheless be useful to avoid the drama of Nicole Chatelain.
04 March, 2013
The Angers store owners want a municipal policy with "services included"
03 March, 2013
A "heavy truck" twinning between Angers and Södertäjle
Södertälje (Credit Picture Wikipedia) |
"Scania is an emblematic company of Angers city and an important employer", said Mr Béatse when he made public the project. "Scania attracts towards Angers clients coming from France and from Europe", pointed out a Scania representative, adding that "Angers is our front side". So, Angers town hall probably want to build on Scania a supplementary attractiveness and to be part of that front side.
Credit Picture Scania |
02 March, 2013
From street code to courtesy code
But the street code should also include measures aiming at "driving" inhabitants to have respect for the cleanliness of the urban ways...The street code is also a courtesy code and from that point of view, the game is far from being won.
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