Credit pictures Angers city |
Credit pictures Angers city |
Angers Daily News publishes news regarding Angers city (Maine-et-Loire, Western France) and reports aspects of Angers'life related to English civilization Angers Daily News publie des informations sur la ville d'Angers (Maine-et-Loire, Ouest de la France) et relate des aspects de la vie à Angers renvoyant à la civilisation anglo-saxonne
After 21 years, revisited Angers with my son Herve Albert Jean - Jacques, Sechelles Seychelles Father and Mauritian mother, born in Angers 2/1/1991, 15 days later the 1st Gulf war started. The arrangement with President F Mitterrand Office and British PM John Major, he was to be born, live and educated in Angers. Instead he has been living in Ashford Kent the past 21 years, went to Pluckley village school and Knatch Bull Grammer school. He had also wanted to study medecine - did not have suficient grade. The significant benefits all the inhabitants of Angers has recieved because of his birth there - specially the important influex of the British, because they know the issues link. The very many important development in Angers like in Ashford - Kent as a reason.