14 February, 2012

Saint-Valentin's day : Angers, full of angels

The end of the cold wave coincides with the warming ot the hearts. The temperature Tuesday in Angers was milder than previous days. But male Angers inhabitants were burning for their soul mate. And the city flower shops knows that. Numerous of them were still welcoming customers in search for desmonstrations of love for their wiwes or their fiancées. 

Enlighted, decorated and crowded, the flower shop owners know that sales can soar that day. The Marché ô fleurs was cleaned out at 7.30 pm. Usually well stocked, the shop was without roses. And at La main fleurie, Pocquet de Livonnière street, it was the same : only pink, red and white petals of roses displayed on the ground to decorate the place were not sold! 

It was the same at Rose d'Anjou on Pasteur avenue In prevision of a busy day, a giant lorry was there at the first hours of the day. And at nightfall, like a little candle shining in the cold, the shop welcomed customers : all males. 

A famous character born in the Loire Valley first celebrated the Valentine's day, in a poems collection "Farewell to love" written in England. It was Charles d'Orléans, a French prince, captured by English at the Azincourt batlle and jailed at the London tower. He remained in England during 24 years.

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