01 January, 2012

Demographic staggering contradicts Angers real estate boom

While one of the most visible changes in Angers, and of Angers, is, since a few years, the growing number of real estate projects, especially in the future Les Hauts de Saint-Aubin district. But local medias published recently a news which could lead the municipal and agglomeration authorities to reconsider the pace of these kind of housing projects. The number of inhabitants in Angers is decreasing.

This was not foresaw and, moreover, this contradicts one of the - appropriate - aims of Angers policy : to stop the spreading of the town for environmental and, above all now, financial reasons. This phenomena, which lasts for 40 years, in Angers as in many similar towns, is not ready to disappear. Even if the households have to pay more for their daily travels from home to work or school. Even if the city and villages around cannot afford anymore expenses in scholar transportations, garbage collects or setting up of electricity, water or gas networks.

The most common question everyone is asking is : where are the people who will live in these buildings? Because Angers is, as the mayor, Jean-Claude Antonini, stated it, in competition with other towns, the rescue could come from outside. With the implementation of a new railway section at the North of Angers which could shorten the travels time to Paris, maybe companies from Ile-de-France will experiment difficulties in their business because of the shortage of housing for their workforce. These real estate assets will be helpful to Angers to overcome a staggering of its population and of its economic development. Is the main question of 2011 will get an answer in 2012?

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