Pupils are not the only population to face English words during their timetable. The revival of stores' sales after the summer break prompts the stores' owners to promote their products in English. Angers consumers have to be more and more fluent in Shakespeare's language. A health club, a hotel, garnments stores, shoes stores try to attract consumers as if the use of English words was a way to move them abroad.
We are in the "shopping days", reminds Antonelle to consumers in Alsace street while another a few meters higher points out he sells at "good prices". Others stores try to stimulate a complicity with the pedestrians in order to lead them to come in : "We love pinguins" says one in Saint-Aubin street and another confesses "No matter what season, I love wasting time with you...".
These ads make the billboards depicting teenagers "proud to be angevins" a little bit more has been. What is the goal of the advertiser (Angers townhall)? Apparently, the target is much more sensitive to English language. The use of that idiom could have been almost as efficient as the use of French which does not give to the Angers youngs the feeling they are different. Local stores owners don't hesitate in boldness : a health club located on Foch boulevard puts up "more energy, more life" near a funeral store... Oh my god!
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