It's not marathon man, but it could be. Mr X is walking and running all over Angers almost all year long. After the training in a stadium, he comes back home, but the return seems a training too. He has not a lot of time for talking, because that would probably slow his rythm. So if a pedestrian want to interwiew the sportsman, he has to follow his pace.
The man is running since 20 years. He lives in Angers and quite regularly goes to Southern France where he is running in public competitions. His face has the traits of a veteran but the man's profile has something juvenile. Probably because of the runs he accomplished many times. One can see him crossing down town with a sports bag.
These exercises have some distorted the silhouette, constantly bent forward as if the man was attracted by his next step, the next yard till the end of his continuous run. But the discipline doesn't seems cumbersome to him. His smile appears on his face as soon as he speaks about his lifetime runner.
The discipline must be strict because, on thursday 29 september, the temperature was 30° at 8 pm, oh yes it was very hot. In spite of his long time of sportsman, he seems to enjoy semi-marathon (about 21 km). He doesn't think, even a single minute to stop running because he would be like an addict without his drug. So Angers inhabitants will see for a long time to come their marathon-mad.
29 September, 2011
28 September, 2011
Inappropriate behaviour of Angers animal's owner on the trolley lawns, a case among others
If the cleanliness is a constant worry of Angers city, some persons apparently do not know what the word means and are not very concerned by the cleanliness of public places. On monday in the evening, the proof was given by a man walking with his dog on the lawns of the trolley in order, obviously, to let the animal defecate. Some people do that but not so visibly, not so publicly.
The neglect of French people for public places is a very common behaviour in this country. If one can understand the attention the people pay to their animals, its beyond understanding these people do not pay the same attention for the other people. Moreover, these lawns are part of a urban landscape which needed a lot of work for many persons : architects, gardeners and so... So the use of that lawn for natural needs sounds like an insult to the skills which were involved in such a project.
Would a fee enforceable to the owners of animals be appropriate? Maybe the taxpayer would consider there are entrusted to do what they want just because they pay. In fact the lack of concern regarding the maintaining costs yet a lot of money to the local public authority. Recently, the Ralliement square has been completly clean up because of the gums splitted on the pavements. A kind of plastic layer will be applied to the surface, but will the behaviour of pedestrians will change?
The neglect of French people for public places is a very common behaviour in this country. If one can understand the attention the people pay to their animals, its beyond understanding these people do not pay the same attention for the other people. Moreover, these lawns are part of a urban landscape which needed a lot of work for many persons : architects, gardeners and so... So the use of that lawn for natural needs sounds like an insult to the skills which were involved in such a project.
Would a fee enforceable to the owners of animals be appropriate? Maybe the taxpayer would consider there are entrusted to do what they want just because they pay. In fact the lack of concern regarding the maintaining costs yet a lot of money to the local public authority. Recently, the Ralliement square has been completly clean up because of the gums splitted on the pavements. A kind of plastic layer will be applied to the surface, but will the behaviour of pedestrians will change?
27 September, 2011
The tram travellers face, with pleasure, technical problems to pay their tickets
The trolley line has made some people happy. In june, the Angers inhabitants travelled for free. Then, the tickets dispensers were out of order, and since the beginning of september, they are alway out of order. Apparently the ticket collectors said nothing, so some travellers use the trolley without paying a penny. Its good for the popularity of the equipment.
The drivers of the train are powerless. Once the travellers are on board and with people behind them, they are protected by their honesty, and the word of the driver. But, thinks could change.Though, 1,40 euro is not a high price for a person who just want to discover Angers along the line. For persons who use it regularly, it could be different, almost if, like it is predictible, the price of the ticket will increase.
For people arriving in Angers and unaware of the technical problems above, the trolley free is surely a good idea. Hopefully there is coordination between trolley and bus. If an inhabitant takes the bus and, within an hour the trolley, he has to pay one time, what be the distance he has to cover. "Off we go".
The drivers of the train are powerless. Once the travellers are on board and with people behind them, they are protected by their honesty, and the word of the driver. But, thinks could change.Though, 1,40 euro is not a high price for a person who just want to discover Angers along the line. For persons who use it regularly, it could be different, almost if, like it is predictible, the price of the ticket will increase.
For people arriving in Angers and unaware of the technical problems above, the trolley free is surely a good idea. Hopefully there is coordination between trolley and bus. If an inhabitant takes the bus and, within an hour the trolley, he has to pay one time, what be the distance he has to cover. "Off we go".
26 September, 2011
The unexpected sight of Terra Botanica
If Terra Botanica park includes a lot of gardens' sceneries whic attract numerous visitors, may be most of them, because of their desire to stay as long as possible in the compound, do note pay attention to a sight to a place located outside of the park, just a few dozen meters before the entrance. From a wooden bridge which leads the public to the entrance gates, the visitors can look a curious landscape, mysterious and totally unexpected. It looks so original that it could give the impression it is part of the Terra Botanica gardens.
A huge trench, whose depth is almost 8 meters, is winding, as silently as a snake, under the bridge. Designed for the former railway line which linked Angers to Segré (a city at the West of the Maine et Loire department), the place is now invaded by luxuriant vegetation like if the scene had taken place in a tropical forest. Trees' branches stretch over the trench and make it appear like a cradle or a coffin. In the middle of the passage, like a backbone the tracks still emerge, but not train has travelled there for a very long time.
This sight looks like a solemn warning about the limited power of man face to the force of nature. That impression comes from the silence and the stillness of the scene. The visitor is suddenly caught up in the smokes of the past.
This sight looks like a solemn warning about the limited power of man face to the force of nature. That impression comes from the silence and the stillness of the scene. The visitor is suddenly caught up in the smokes of the past.
24 September, 2011
The new faces of Angers

Through the Cidef, a language department linked to the Université catholique de l'Ouest, Japanese girls discovered the city and met their husband there. They married and settled in Angers and now have babies. All of them didn't only kept the black hair and dark eyes of Japan, but are also educated both in French by their father and Japanese by their mother. Apparently without a single problem.
About twenty Angevins-Japanese couples were gathered on saturday for a picnic on the lawn of the Decathlon superstore. Some of them are furniture designer, others paper artist or chocolate maker. Some of them teach Japanese. These represent a new category of Angevins and may give to the city the international stance townhall want to get.
23 September, 2011
Angers Loire Valley misses the point in Le Monde

That's a pity, because, in his "interview", the mayor of Angers recognizes that the English touch of the brand, thanks to the word "Valley" is due to the acknowledgement that "English is the language which goes anywhere". Moreover, such an attraction is shared by others than the city. The ads mentions the existence of a community of local companies called Loire Electronic Applications Valley...In another brief article, the city puts forward its annual event of promotion of local companies designated Made in Angers while, in the field of arts, the city reminds his cultural exhibitions of Artaq, the Urban Arts Awards...

Once more, the instigator of that communication should have use the impact of an English sounding branch in France. OK for an ads in French in The Times. But, in a daily title so French like Le Monde, an English ads on a French town would have been a must.
22 September, 2011
The Ralliement square, theater of a first public relations exercise
Is the Ralliement square finding a new use? Maybe in order to be seen, and that goal would be wise, the Angers Basket Club gathered on tuesday some dozens of persons on the open air terrasse of the new café de France. Introduced one by one to the public, the Angers basket ball players were standing on the steps at the entrance of the Angers Grand Theatre, quietly dressed with a blue t-shirt branded by the logo of their club.
The idea would have had much more impact if it had been planned during a non working day because, especially on saturdays, many people cross that place. Moreover their president had to express his wishes for the starting season of the club, so it would have be much more stimulating with a lot of people around. ABC which evolves in the Nm1 but is aiming for the Pro B.
The Ralliement square could find a new purpose : the organization of public relations events, even if the place could be a little bit enlived than it is. A few more lights, some clumps of greeneries (the trees are scare) would fit with the babbling of the fountains. Moreover, the restaurants around the core of the city, and especially the Café de France, could imagine some fittings in order to be more attractive, even if their presence has nothing to see with those of a travel agency or a tax office...
The idea would have had much more impact if it had been planned during a non working day because, especially on saturdays, many people cross that place. Moreover their president had to express his wishes for the starting season of the club, so it would have be much more stimulating with a lot of people around. ABC which evolves in the Nm1 but is aiming for the Pro B.
The Ralliement square could find a new purpose : the organization of public relations events, even if the place could be a little bit enlived than it is. A few more lights, some clumps of greeneries (the trees are scare) would fit with the babbling of the fountains. Moreover, the restaurants around the core of the city, and especially the Café de France, could imagine some fittings in order to be more attractive, even if their presence has nothing to see with those of a travel agency or a tax office...
21 September, 2011
The mayor of Angers doesn't deny he will leave office before 2014
Credit Angers city |
If a part,of the interview has been dedicated to local issues, the mayor made clear that his support of Dominique Strauss-Kahn as a contender for the French presidential elections of 2012 was definitely over. Mr Antonini, who was member of a fan club of DSK last year, only uttered "We shall miss his expertise"...
Criticized about the increase of local taxes, the mayor said the financial withdrawal of the French state was responsible of it. The lauch of a survey about the costs of tthe digging of the expressway along the left bank of the Maine doesn't indicate the mayor changed his mind regarding the option of the filling of the present trench. He pointed out he had always the fighting spirit to help the Angers inhabitants to overcome the economic and social consequences of the international crisis.
20 September, 2011
The Angers townhall initiative to give rise to inhabitants participation could be clearer
The Angers townhall organizes during almost a month, from today till the end of october, a serie of meetings with the inhabitants through district assemblies. Each gathering will be lead by two representatives of townhall which, visibly, is eager to associate inhabitants and generate new ideas which could be useful for the next local elections (2014).
The programm of the district assemblies has not be built on specific issues of each district. The issue are transverse, i.e. transposable from a district to another. In the district of Monplaisir, where a urban redevelopment is going to take place, the inhabitants will not discuss of that but will talk about issues regarding the Angers youth. That way will nevertheless prevent the appearance of district claims which could not be compatible one with the others at the level of the whole town.
This gathering may constitute a good way for the Angers townhall to stay in touch with the daily concerns of the inhabitants. This initiative comes from the "Participation Day" the city set up on spring. But that time, the content of the event was more explicit and maybe the citizens will always make the link between the district assemblies and the Participation Day. Moreover, these add up with the "Districts rendez-vous" and may make obscur the ways inhabitants can take part, and even, may bore them.

This gathering may constitute a good way for the Angers townhall to stay in touch with the daily concerns of the inhabitants. This initiative comes from the "Participation Day" the city set up on spring. But that time, the content of the event was more explicit and maybe the citizens will always make the link between the district assemblies and the Participation Day. Moreover, these add up with the "Districts rendez-vous" and may make obscur the ways inhabitants can take part, and even, may bore them.
19 September, 2011
The future of the Angers expressway is not near to be decided

But each of the options show a difficulty. The first : if the Angers inhabitants use it to cross the city, that bank of the Maine river could be permanently held up and Angers would meet again the situation it faced at the end of the 70's. The second option show also a technical difficulty : the tunnel digged on such a distance could be vulnerable to floods and would have to be flooded too in order to balance the pression the river will have on the tunnel when the water level is high.
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Credit pictures : Wikipedia |
18 September, 2011
Tintin starts to rally admirers in Angers
In fact, the four characters, Tintin, Captain Hadock and the Dupond and Dupont detectives were here on behalf Gemy, an Angers automobile dealership, to distribute to pedestrians leaflets untitled "The search for good opportunities" illustrated by the Hergé heroe. But that was completely removed by the four "sandwich men" - very realistic in the composition of their characters. Thanks to the likeness of two of them to the Hergé heroes, they attracted numerous passers-by who never realized they were there to promote Gemy and made of them a few pictures, convinced that a party among students was on way...
On that Heritage Days, the flavour of the past was not only in buildings. And one can bet the Tintin monument will still attract children from "7 to 77 years old".
17 September, 2011
Angers property tax is soaring
A few months ago it was only figures, projects, announcements, debates but now a step has been covered and there is another one to come and that last will be the hardest. From the beginning of september, Angers inhabitants do not only collect leaves, they collect their local taxes and those are heavy.
Compared to the fiscal year 2001, the increase of property tax in Angers city is 42%, but, almost, the annuel increase of 2011 has never been so high : 10%! It is not sure the revenues of Angers inhabitants have raised in a similar proportions during the same year... All the public authorities which collect money in Angers and Angers Loire Valley are concerned. The variation of the amount of money collected by Angers city between 2011 and 2010 is higher by 7%. And the variations between the two fiscal years are not all indicated on the tax return...
The economic crisis is of course responsible of such evolutions, but important projects like the trolley which will have to be refunded, will undoubtedly demand restrictions on other expenses. Among these, the organization of events, some campaigns of communication, lending of vehicles could be brought into question.

The economic crisis is of course responsible of such evolutions, but important projects like the trolley which will have to be refunded, will undoubtedly demand restrictions on other expenses. Among these, the organization of events, some campaigns of communication, lending of vehicles could be brought into question.
16 September, 2011
The Heritage day, still topical in Angers city
This is quite a miracle because some improvements are still feasible in the fittings of the streets which are not, compared to old districts of other towns of the Loire valley, always specifically cared by Angers city. But maybe visits organized at night, when the agitation is gone, would be for the amateurs of that Heritage days, a more appropriate way to dive in the past of their city.
The trolley is also an axis of orchestration of events in Angers. So Angers Loire Valley has set up guided visits along the tramway line (not free on these days)... The use of new means of transport, like rollerblades, is on the programm. But why not on bikes ( the city want to increase) or Segway? That is may be the most challenging aspects of these Heritage days : the renewal of the places to see and the ways to see them.
15 September, 2011
A foil olympic champion touches the heart of Angers' students |
In fact, Brice Guyart's carreers doesn't sum up to high level sport because he is graduated from another business school, the ESCP-EAP and now works for the Sncf. From his experience at the top of the world sport and the daily life of a french company, Brice Guyart delivered numerous lessons and among these, the difficulty to resume life after a success like an olympic title. "For years, you dedicate yourself to the achievement of a goal, then you got it. What is going on after?". An anecdote unveils the kind of person he is.
"After my gold medal at the olypic games, I was the guy to defeat. And it occured during a France championship. My competitor was so happy to defeat that Iwas ahppy for him!", he said. He touched the assistance's heart.
14 September, 2011
The new Angers Loire Valley website doesn't "Live large"
"Angers Loire Valley", the new brand of the city, has now its own website. That launch makes the new communication strategy of the city a reality. But such a policy will only stay an abstraction if it is not appropriated by the Angers inhabitants. And that is what the website clearly intends to promote : the identification of the people to a city which, in many fields (economy, education, environment) goes ahead. But, a visit in the texts of the website, show the batlle is far from being won...
There is nevertheless a change the city should have developped. In the rules of use of its new brand "Angers Loire Valley", clearly inspired by the wish to be understood in English, the web site unveils a logo entirely written in English (p 27) : "Angers Loire Valley, Live Large". Why this signature would not be used in that way?
The initiative triggered some negative perceptions among inhabitants but, in general, the opinion is quite in favour of that initiative, because people are aware of a fact : English is the international language and Angers has to cope with that. So instead of exclaiming "Live Large", the website should to "think large" and, in order to help the city in its international recognition, also be written... in English!
The initiative triggered some negative perceptions among inhabitants but, in general, the opinion is quite in favour of that initiative, because people are aware of a fact : English is the international language and Angers has to cope with that. So instead of exclaiming "Live Large", the website should to "think large" and, in order to help the city in its international recognition, also be written... in English!
13 September, 2011
The "Accroche-coeurs" are also "Accroche-customers"
If the 2011 edition of the "Accroche-coeurs" has been once again a success among Angers inhabitants, it has also demonstrated that these are eager to meet vitality in down town. Of course the shows organized in different parts of the center of the city attracted hundreds of people, like the puppets show at Saint-Eloi square on sunday night. And many others visitors experimented a pleasant change of scenery, like in the Deux-Haies street completely transformed in a Chinese way during that popular event.

But the most scheming fact is the waiting line of people at mobile shops selling, most of the time, down-market food. So the inhabitants, even during harsh economic times, have always a little money to spend. That calls into question the restrictive policy implemented by city hall regarding the opening of stores on sundays. Recently, the mayor of angers complained about the opening of a Leclerc super store on sunday mornings at Saint-Jean-de-Linières.
In an appeal to respect a "positive cultural caracteristic of French society", Jean-Claude Antonini recalled the sundays were, above all, a day for rest an family life. But during that time, the streets of down town are empty, with only a few people roaming through a silent down town whose atmosphere is very, very different of the Accroche-coeurs. When will come the time for the Accroche-customers?
But the most scheming fact is the waiting line of people at mobile shops selling, most of the time, down-market food. So the inhabitants, even during harsh economic times, have always a little money to spend. That calls into question the restrictive policy implemented by city hall regarding the opening of stores on sundays. Recently, the mayor of angers complained about the opening of a Leclerc super store on sunday mornings at Saint-Jean-de-Linières.
12 September, 2011
"Kiss my ass", answers Azz'Art , Angers' poster artist to an anonymous collector

A few days ago, Azz'Art had, "with the authorization of the store owner", he points out, "posted a huge collage whose only remain the staples. Somebody stole it during the night", regrets Azz'Art. "Even if that person took it for its own satisfaction, what would be gratifyning for me, I'm a little bit sad", he says. Ignoring the name of the author of that theft (no remains of his collage have been found, so the hypothesis of an anonymous admirer is credible), Azz'Art decided to send him a message in his own way : a drawing.

10 September, 2011
English comes in at Angers medecine school
An initiative "unique in France" has been recently implemented in the Angers medecine faculty regarding English. Since the beginning of september, a teaching in medecine is delivered to about forty foreign students and a dozen of French students coming from Nantes and Angers. These French students presently in the third year of their studies have been selected "for their interest and their knowledge in this language" for a six month course.
That news raises a first question : either the level of scientific Angers students is very low in English (only eight come from that city), or the selection was very demanding. The result demonstrates, one more time, that the language education is in France in a bad shape, compared to the working habits, and the results, of Germany or Netherlands. That is moreover a difficulty for students whose discipline is dominated, it's not the only one in sciences, by English.
The second question, perhaps more worrying, comes from the aims of that policy : "to promote the (international?) moblity of students and their employability by international organizations". That would not be debatable if the number of medecine students in France were sufficient to meet the needs of the French population. But it's, not at all, the case. In fact the learnig of English should be, in French schools, much more anticipated and generalised on several fields of knowledge.
That news raises a first question : either the level of scientific Angers students is very low in English (only eight come from that city), or the selection was very demanding. The result demonstrates, one more time, that the language education is in France in a bad shape, compared to the working habits, and the results, of Germany or Netherlands. That is moreover a difficulty for students whose discipline is dominated, it's not the only one in sciences, by English.
The second question, perhaps more worrying, comes from the aims of that policy : "to promote the (international?) moblity of students and their employability by international organizations". That would not be debatable if the number of medecine students in France were sufficient to meet the needs of the French population. But it's, not at all, the case. In fact the learnig of English should be, in French schools, much more anticipated and generalised on several fields of knowledge.
09 September, 2011
The remains of the Roman era under Lorraine square
It is always a surprise to discover the presence of ancient times a few feet above the ground on which we walk. The redevelopment of the Lorraine square give an example, among others, of this observation. A few weeks ago, the place was levelled by excavation machines and all the cobblestones were cleared. Then some parts of the sites have been carefully clean up in order to give way to archeologists.
These have already opened little holes and trenches from where ancien objects are emerging : pieces of ceramics, glasses or remains of buildings? According to the first research a open air market or a group of craftmen were active there. But all that part of the city was already occupied by inhabitants during the Roman era. A few months ago, a former temple dedicated to the god Mithra was discovered under the Saint Louis clinic since demolished. Years beforce, in Arênes street, others remains of the Roman era were revealed to Angers inhabitants. And twenty years ago, when the building of the Leclerc parking lot, much more remains of the past have been returned to day light.
Within a few months, a new Lorraine square will take place burying for the second time the remains of a distant passt.
These have already opened little holes and trenches from where ancien objects are emerging : pieces of ceramics, glasses or remains of buildings? According to the first research a open air market or a group of craftmen were active there. But all that part of the city was already occupied by inhabitants during the Roman era. A few months ago, a former temple dedicated to the god Mithra was discovered under the Saint Louis clinic since demolished. Years beforce, in Arênes street, others remains of the Roman era were revealed to Angers inhabitants. And twenty years ago, when the building of the Leclerc parking lot, much more remains of the past have been returned to day light.
Within a few months, a new Lorraine square will take place burying for the second time the remains of a distant passt.
06 September, 2011
The number of requests of VeloCité bikes should trigger an early opening of its offices
In comparison, the system of VéloCité+ is much more accessible. Bikes are always available in front of the railway station because they are never rent. The comparison with VéloCité explains why : if the rent lasts several months, the user is not charged (VéloCité); when the bike is needed for less than a day, the rent is not free (VéloCité+). Queue of people for bikes in a case; bikes with no customers in another! For both cases, who is to blame?
05 September, 2011
The "Anglish" language on front side stores of the city
But this is not the only Indications of the trend. Still on Lenepveu street, the Levi's store speaks in English to the passer-by a maybe meaningfull slogan for "Anglish" speaking people : "now is our time".
04 September, 2011
Angers' housing and environment policy looks to concentrate jobs at the expenses of others
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Credit Alm |
One explanation would be a concentration of the housing - and jobs - in the center of Alm. but what will be left to others. If natural places become scarce, employment become as much.
02 September, 2011
Terra Botanica, for lovers of gardens
01 September, 2011
Angers Marcé Airport faces troubles to take off
The airport had announced at the beginning of 2011, the launching of a new line to London, but this one is not yet effective. And it's the same to another European destination : Brussels. These postponements or these cancellations would not be serious if they were the first. But it is not the case. According to some observers, the reasons are a lack of promotion and may be an insufficient technical equipment. If the traffic has soared in 2010 (more than 4 200 passengers compared to less than a thousand the year before), the airport is far to have reached its capacity (50 000 persons).
The regular succes it has get on the last years is the meeting "Anjou Retro Wings" : the airport was over flied by the Airbus A 380 unable to land because the runway is too short. Observers think the running of the airport is short too.
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