If the city of Palma de Mallorca has many points of interest, history (the city was designed by the arabs before the XVth century), arts (it is the place where the painter Míro lived) or linguistic (as other provinces of Spain, the Balearic islands has two official languages), one of them is not in town but, at the large of the town. It is the bay of Palma.
The bay looks as wide as La Baule's. In a book untitled The prisoners of Cabrera, and written by a contemporary French author, Palma viewed from the sea is like a woman laying on a bed. Every yearn the city contemplate one of the most popular sailing event of the peninsula, the Copa del Rey, a competition in which the king of Spain, Juan Carlos took part.
Palma de Mallorca is often painted from the sea. The brown and yellow colours of the city appear between the blue of the sea and the green of the mountains, themselves often dominated ( even during this year) by a no clouded sky. Many Fench tourists are in town this year thanks to two French low cost companies.
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