28 January, 2011

"Made in Angers", mad with English

Is the English language able to promote better than the French one, and with better attractivity, to the Angers inhabitants, the know-how of local companies? Apparently the answer is : yes. From february 18th to march 23rd, about 100 companies will open their doors to public on the occasion of the project denominated "Made in Angers"! Would that initiative have the same appeal if it were qualified with French words?

This interesting event, which takes place in Angers every year since 12 years, wish to get the special attention from students who are invited to a special evening to watch a movie which title is "The social network" (it's the story of Facebook). Morevover, a "Jobdating" is planned. If, like many stores in downtown, some of the local and ancient companies of Angers have a corporate name clearly anglicized (Afone, Bull, Creative Eurecom, or Grand Optical) among the new participants is the Saint Edward's University, which opened recently a department in the city.

Angers must now plan a special English spoken day in its calendar. That would be a pleasant change of scenery. The event could be called "Angers mad with English".

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