Architects, building contractors as well as insurers, works providers, civil servants, politicians and even nuns, sum-total 200 hundreds persons came on january 20th at the Auguste Chupin hall, to say goodbye to Martial Vié, an Angers architect who choose to put a stop to his professional career in building after 60 years of activity! With good nature and a sense of humour, Mr Vié recalled his carreer which started in 1951 and ended yesterday on the same day of his 75th anniversary.
Credit Picture : private individual |
From the tributes which were paid to the young retired, it's possible to conclude that a lifetime is complete when family, work and voluntary tasks are lead head-on. That was the case of Mr Vié who, on top of his family and business responsabilities had caritative, ordinal, sailing and political activities (he was city councilman of Angers for 30 years and deputy-mayor during 12 years). Another conclusion of such a lifetime would be : don't stop going as long as the health is there.
Apprently, as one of his childrens recalled it, activity ("
240 trimesters", he said) , passion and philosophy keep young. Such quality of Mr Vié was apparently premonitory : among the gifts he received last night, there was a picture of him in a football team shot about 40 years ago. On a a placard a supporter carried behind Mr Vié was written "
Go ahead Martial, you are en vié".