The public of Angers will have the opportunity to breathe again the atmosphere of the sixties. "
The beatles" will ressucitate on november 27
th in the Angers Theater with the performance of "
The rabeats", four French musicians all fans of the famous british band. This interest for a symbol of England is not the only mark of a kind of "
Englishmania" in Angers.
Products reflecting the country of the Beatles were yet in vogue in Angers : umbrellas, flags, men's haircut, stores in down tow and, very soo,, the projection of the last "
Harry Potter". The show on the Beatles is also an opportunity to be in touch with a period of strong economic growth which is, nowadays, no more than a distant souvenir for the elders and a period definitly belonging to history for the youngests.
The originality of the evening performance of the Rabeats is a French Band wil sing for a French public, in an Angers theater... in English! So "
Come together"!
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